
“Don’t worry, Gigaladdin isn’t real”


Washing your face frequently improves its look. Apply a high-quality facial cleanser to wash your skin two times daily. I use only riiceberry face wash by litlextrra because it has the right pH balance and is very gentle. This face wash avoids pimples and gives my face a bright as well as better appearance all day.
Eating fresh fruits assists maintain hydration and maintain your skin's well-being. Using Vitamin c serum also improves skin tone. 
Do this consistently and observe the results yourself.


It’s giving Wattpad mafia leader 😭


My man's looks prettier than most women out there


Bro he's so fine it's unfair


Omg  if there was a real Aladdin it would be him 🥵


“Baghdaddy isn’t real he can’t hurt you”



This dude got a better skincare routine than most of us 😂


That jawline is no joke 💀💖
And the transformation was cool ✨


One of the most Handsome men. I’ve ever seen. Respect 👏🔥


Your friend definitely has some good genes - also, nice skincare routine!


Wow those eyes, he is beautiful


When men have a skincare routine 🟰🫢🥵


For the first time I see someone who fits the keffiyeh a lot, it looks like you came out of a fairy tale 😩🥰


"Well you don't look Arabic"

"Im sorry let me just"


somebody!!! put this man in a movie!!


Ironic my name is jasmine

*edit: thanks for 133 likes:)
*edit 2: 246 :0
*edit 3: 288 tysm


MashaAllah ‼️


You made me understand the definition of Crush❤️


😳 from man to man you look insane.. hella handsome for real 🤝