
i cant even find the words to describe how well this video is put together. if i had seen this in my primary school, i would fall in love with biology in an instant.


I wish there were animations like these when I was a kid. It would have made school and classes much more easy!!!


Basically each cell is a city and your body is an empire. Now I feel powerful!


These four minutes were more understandable than the entire week we spent focused on this subject in biology


Whenever you feel unloved and lonely, just remember that there are trillions of cell working to altogether for you.


Wow! I'm a doctor and this awesome four minutes video makes me remember in this short period of time a full one year Citology and Histology course. Well done!


You: it's fine


I just feel the urgent need to thank all my cell buddies inside. You ve done a great job keeping me healthy eventhough covid19 is out there. Together we ll defeat it


We need to bolster our immune system by exercising, getting enough sleep, exercising and having a positive attitude in life! Avoid smoking and excessive drinking, we need to strengthen our immune system at all cost.


Virus: enters cell

Body: Now all of China knows you’re here


Basically everything I learned in school for the past month squeezed into a 4-minute video.


This is why I love watching TED-Ed. You guys make these (sorta boring) topics into very understandable and fun videos. I wish our teachers before had these kinds of materials. Learning could've been so much FUN!


the human body is smarter than actual humans lol


you: (sneeze's) its fine


Coronavirus would like to teach you a bit more about microbiology 

►Yes  Yes


3:05 that oxygen gave me the middle finger. I'm scared.


When you get a papercut, you've just started world war 3 in your body


O2 just flipped me off, I'm offended


Thanks to this video, I could share it to my nephews, who were having a hard time understanding “How does the cell works” and Parts of a Cell, it is much more easy ro understand😊


The animation is so excellent, it makes the explanation so much easier to understand and after watching this I feel our body is a marvellous machinery, I was really amazed after watching this video