
Very simple and clear Thanks❤


But the insertion is more painful than childbirth and there are 0 effective pain relief options. I refuse to get one since ALL obgyns think women don't experience pain during IUD insertion.


I had a copper IUD last year and got pregnant three months after getting the IUD and had a miscarriage at 17 weeks and 5 days, so as of right now I am terrified of just thinking about getting an other one


How is it removed? And it move in there feel pain sometimes on the right sometimes on the left. Does it migrate in there? Why would I have brown fiberous discharge?


[Cu] is an abiotic metal
(if used in heart


The worst choice of birth control🤷‍♀️


But where did you get your glasses tho?


And do they have iuds for periods?


Do females have the ovarian cycle in a hormonal IUD? I'm wanting to cycle sync and I haven't found any information regarding what the cycle graphs look like for someone who has a hormonal IUD. Everything seems to point that I cannot cycle sync if I am in hormonal IUD.


Copper iud still fucks around with your hormones. Totally not worth it. Ruined my life.


With all due respect can you please clarify if you are talking about pRogesterone or not? I listened through several time and just keep hearing “puhgesterone”.