Can't promise I'll do one of these on time every week but I'll try. Might be hard with Joe streaming 6 days a week. This should contain all major funny/story moments. Hopefully I didn't miss anything too big, cheers.
You are the most underrated Joe fan/person out of all of them in my opinion. Marik is one of the greatest entities of all time to me, but I wouldn’t know that without your absolute commitment to doing this. Much love
It is WILD to me how he keeps calling the villains so early on even as a one-off joke 😭
Did I watch the streams? Yes. Did I watch NODJA's vods? Yes. Am I going to watch the supercut? Yes.
I'm so excited for this playthrough but I'm usually asleep during the streams, so thank you for making these.
Man so far this has been one of the creamiest joes ever produce, he's improved so much as a streamer. Kinda wonder how good the goofy games like Danganronpa would be like if the now joe streamed it
Thank you so much for making this super cut, i love you so much
Shortly before Joe returned and started playing P3R, I started my third attempt at beating P3P and I was worried that I will be behind Joe with story content and would have to drop the VODs. Thankfully, I underestimated Joe's ability to not play the story of a story-driven RPG 😌 Thanks for the edits!
We appreciate you! Thank you for all your hard work!
Thank you so much for this, gonna watch all the supercuts once he wraps up the series. Need to watch your individual stream edits first ahahhaha
Yoooo! I had no plans on watching Persona 3 because I’ve been way too busy and still catching up with the other VODs you’ve put up since his return. With this supercut, it’s much more feasible for me to catch up without falling further behind! Thanks so much NODJA <3
Thank you very much, I’ve been behind on his streams.
Thank you!!! my schedule is busy and i find it hard to catch or watch streams all the way thru, much appreciated!
Thank you so much my man!
many thanks nodja! Bay area has got your back, mad respect. 510 represent
As frustrating as the Persona 3 fans can be, there ARE points that I can understand, the old battle music does sound more energetic and it would be nice to have a choice. And the new facial expressions of the characters compared to the old ones is also a bit toned down, making them a bit bland. But really? Looking at this level of remake and you’re seriously bashing the game because of small nitpicks?
You are an actual saviour, thanks for this
you are doing gods (joms) work, Nodja. Thank you so much.