Okay, this girl is obviously strong enough to stand up for herself. I wish that the characters would stand up to their bullies physically and give them a lesson. I know those mean girls would need that
The actress playing Sarah in this episode is totally gorgeous. She nailed her role down absolutely.
"The right people will celebrate your gifts, but the wrong ones will make you feel bad about them." Totally true and agreed with it! Everyone has their own gift on certain accomplishments and they should be proud of having them, not let those gifts make themselves look bad.
“The right people will celebrate your gifts, but the wrong ones will make you feel bad about them.” In ANY case, body-shaming is NEVER the way to make yourself look good. You should accept others for who they are, and what they’re trying to achieve in life. Nice job today, Dhar Mann! Excellent work!
Girl with muscles it makes her special 🥺bullies just jealous they can't be like her.
This vid was a W, her strength is definitely a gift 💪🏾🩷💪🏾
21:50 that was satisfying
It's never luck it's always God
0:15 dude shes so pretty..
At this point kids are bullied for having anything- 💀
I do volleyball ball too!!! This made me fr happy
Not the girls fault she is stronger than him like it’s sad bc it takes longer for women to get muscular like that.
If I was a boy and had a girlfriend like her, I would be grateful that I would have a loving, strong, and protective partner. Like think about it, even if you were weaker than Sarah, still, I would be proud. It’s so impressive and cool in my opinion. Like having a teammate in a sport that’s really strong is so cool! Yes, it might be unfair but still she worked hard and I accept that. I would never be mad. (P.s LOVE YOUR VIDS DHAR MANN❤)
At this point kids are bullied for having anything- 💀
Bullied for having muscle, the bully is just jealous
Dang she single handedly carried the team
0:21 I’m not like other girls😂😂😂
I litelry wanna be like her so bad bc idc if I get bullied if I’m strong bc at least that how I want to be like bc she’s a literal inspiration