
Shout out to Gattsu for this video! You can find them here: https://www.youtube.com/@Gattsu
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video :)


in mexico , we constructed an entire high speed rail line through the least infrastructure built states in mexico through the rainforest and highlands within a single 6 year presidential term. California got no excuse


bro China holds the world record for longest line dance. yes they are beating us in literally every aspect.


Is hasan ever going to visit china? Would love to see him irl stream there


God I love how China rolls up and absolutely dunks on American capitalism lmao


dude a fact abt why China is the country that produces most waste and is also the country that uses more renewable energy:
the thing is that they were a developing economy, relying on fossil fuels and biomass for everything, but now that their economy is growing and the money spent on renewable energy research is paying dividends, they are actually TRANSITIONING to renewable energies, its just a slow process but you can already see how good its going


3:12 I pay 76% of my income on rent as a disabled American. My apartment is owned by a wealthy slumlord who yields 25k per month from my building alone. Our apartments are barely big enough to fit a bed and a table and I share 2 toilets and a single shower with 7 other women. The guy owns 19 other properties within a few blocks. The power goes out all the time because multiple units are sharing a single 15 amp breaker. Cooking by any other means than a microwave is banned because of the electricity. Landlords can do whatever the fuck they want. These are the only options for extremely poor people in American cities, and by default if you are on disability, you are in extreme poverty. Nothing is ever fixed or maintained, there’s literal gaps in the building where things aren’t flush together and hella rain comes in . The maintenance guy is on meth and definitely being taken advantage of by the owner by just giving him free rent instead of a wage, I ended up having to get a restraining order against him, so now I personally get zero maintenance done . I’ve probably written thousands of emails to the property company about safety and habitability concerns and never get a response.


Do foreign countries think we own fully paid off homes and vehicles? We take out loans and go into debt for those. We spend our lives paying them off. Most of is die in debt.


I've always said... When the Republicans say "Vote for us and we'll say Merry Christmas again", I've always thought with how detrimental they are for the United States, it's more like "Vote for us and we'll say Gong Hei Fat Choy again".


Woo China 🇨🇳


Georgia is famous for producing some of the strongest men on earth.


Mind you the home ownership rate in Germany is 45%. Bro we are cooked


I lived both California and Hong Kong 2 years each and I would choose to live in Hong Kong 100% of the time. Only if I could go back, I’ll go back for a visit next year, but I just want to move there.


man everything is better here in china, I was texting their government worker on how to get a plate for my ebike the other day, it was 11pm. No millions of hours of listening to elevator music, got in touch in 10 seconds.


3:09 this is facts. The worst slums in the united states START at $1100 a month


This video is proof loud noises and sped up memes are peak comedy.


As of 2022, China's per capita CO₂ emissions were approximately 8.89 metric tons per person, while the United States had higher per capita emissions at about 14.21 metric tons per person.


Can china please invest in the swedish high speed rail? They’ve been building the northern part for like 15 years and plan to be done in 2035 because funding is bad and they have to fight for every single SEK from the government


I've been to Hong Kong too, Gattsu is absolutely right about the times, it's literally a train every 3 minutes tops, ALWAYS on time, it was so impressive and depressing knowing it wasn't back at home lol


gattsu my beloved