Or, maybe with the loss of Iceman and reconnecting with Rooster, Maverick steps up into a leadership role with no one needing to "reign him in"
Great because Top Gun was good, Top Gun: Maverick was better,if anything Top Gun 3 will be awesome can’t wait 😊
This would be Great 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Amelia should come back as a topgun pilot with Maverick as her step Dad and mentor! Maverick now a one star Admiral. That level Admiral can still fly. And now that Iceman is gone, have Tom Skerrit come back as Mavericks confidant...they have history together.
Loved the first two and think a 3rd may not work..at least so soon
Not sure we need another sequel.
We need another top gun movie. But that needs to be about his dad.
I think that Maverick should return but should have a part where he dies at the end to finish the top gun franchise out....
I think Rick Rossovich's character should return in Top Gun 3.
Amazing video and I love the first top gun movie and the sequel to me was lead down disappointed did not really enjoy it much. Hopefully maybe top gun 3 will be better
Noooo. It's just going to be like Stealth
I think there could be a 3rd in nevinluke the one from 1986 and the remake
Why kill him off, just finally upgrade him to higher rank retire him
Shouldn’t be made. Now it’s just a money grab and we will all willing go watch it. Top Gun Maverick put everything to rest and was well done. Just leave it alone
Definitely don’t need a 3rd. Didn’t really need a 2nd one what 40yrs after the first one?
Top Gun 3 LFG!
Will Phoenix RETURN?
Meg Ryan?
Penny Pete break up don't work for them