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Look at what Japan, South Korea, and Poland are missing out on


They're not fleeing poverty, they're bringing it with them.


They didn't leave their 3rd world country. They clearly brought it with them.


I went to London recently and had to keep verifying that I was in the right country


This isn't by accident, it's by design.


The soldiers died for nothing.


"Ethnic minority" now means British people.


Biermingham looks like streets in India and Syria.


The people of Europe don't want this. Only the leaders want this.


Just don't ask questions or notice things or else you're "far right"


Enoch Powell was right


I also went to Birmingham and I agree with you👍 People throwing garbages at the edges and plastics on streets was unbelievable when I went there, I see a lot of people dont acknowledge this but also there are maybe some people who cares but they dont bother about it.


I live in Birmingham, it is indeed a shithole


As a wise man once said: “Everything woke turns to shit”.


"Very diverse"
80% Asian and black doesn't seem all that diverse.


Plenty of money for Israel and Ukraine but non for the folk of Birmingham. Strange govt


They didn't come to the UK to assimilate , but to conquer it .


Let in 3rd world values, what do you expect..


I've seen war footage from Ukraine, that looks nicer than this.