
I feel like this man is underrated


Aww man, why can't they play music like THIS on the radio more often?


I listen to, "Order Disorder Reorder" over and over. . .     ;].


Jason Gray I can't stop listening to this song. Thank you. May God use you greatly to impact many lives.


In my opinion, you are putting out some of the best Christian music :). I love your style. God bless you!


Agreed. Easily one of the best songwriters out there. Deep well. Love your heart for Jesus! Much love. God bless.


Thank you for these lyrics. They have kept me focused not on the disorder around me but on our Savior!


One of the best songs I have listened to. God bless you Jason Gray


Me too 🤗♥️🙌🙏🔥➕🌹 I love you brethren in Christ alone


fascinating lyrics and marvellous rendition!praise the lord


This song keeps coming up in Spotify, thank you. I've been struggling with severe insomnia this past year. I'm often too tired to do anything, it's barely living. I've learned not to place my worth in anything other than who God says I am, I learned to love myself. Still I really hoped God would have changed it by now, he didn't. I don't know what tomorrow's going to bring, but I do know God will be there.


Jason Gray another great song at just the right time.  Bless you!


Am blessed to hear God`s will - order disorder reorder ...to keep making me.....we thank jesus christ for you..


Walk, fall, Repent, Rejoice...Walk ....follow.. Run 🏃‍♀️


Order disorder reorder over and over ❤


Holy freakin' .... WHAT!? How can you make music THIS epically good!? 👂💕👂👐


This song speaks to me


Jason Gray you are such a blessing.


I love Jason.  Thank God for this masterpiece


Amazing dear brother. May God continue to use you for His Glory! Speaks so much to my life thank you!