If you have less employees doing more work don't they deserve more pay?
Why would a billionaire draft dodger care about veterans?!?!?!? FAFO
I’m glad this veteran had a good experience with the VA but there are hundreds and thousands of veterans out there that have been used and abused by the system, including my own husband of 24 years in the Air Force. By the time they get you in for an appointment, you can pretty much diagnose and treat yourself before getting an appointment to walk through those doors or to even get someone to give a crap to listen to you. My husband uses a CPAP and he’s supposed to get regular CPAP equipment on a regular basis yet we never get the equipment needed even when he calls into the VA the phone number that they give you to call-in for such equipment and then you sit and wait and it never comes. The VA is overrated and they don’t care about their veterans. It takes five people to do the job of one yet they’re all getting paid the same. Ridiculous.
Since the PACT act was passed 2:25 , eligible veterans have increased significantly. NOW they want to short staff the V.A. ?
Aahhh... where's Tulsi Gabbard???? Ain't she talked good about her VA family every time she opened her mouth??? I noticed she's silent.... did she AWOL her VA family ???? Anyone care to speak to this???
That’s a tough pill to swallow. But you need to find the money somewhere to offset the 4.5 Trillion dollar corporate tax breaks that are in the new Federal budget that just passed the house. Seems fair.
A Call to ACTION! Yes, the VA has some quirks, and like anything else, there's always room for improvement, but this cutting of 80,000 VA personnel is ridiculous. Brothers and Sisters Veterans... Text, Email, "FAX", Call, and Visit if possible Your representatives offices locally and or in WashingtonDC ... IMMEDIATELY! The VA, and particularly the VHA provides invaluable service to Veterans! We Need Them, and NOW the hardworking Staff Needs us ( Veterans)! Again: Text, Email, "FAX", Call, and Visit if possible Your representatives offices locally or in WashingtonDC ... let them know your displeasure! 🧐👍
No more Waisting tax dollars good job trump
Great care, great service at SAVAHCS. We are blessed to have one of the top 5 VA health care systems in the country. I'm a veteran, patient, and proudly voted for President Trump.
Thank you for your service Micheal!
Chicken Little reporting - KGUN9 Tucson, Arizona.
It's about quality of care, not hiring too many people for low wages. The VA struggles versus the private sector to provide quality care. Prior to Trump, the VA would just hire more people. More people to fix the problem. That behavior doesn't equate to quality of care. The private sector focuses more on quality of care versus the number of employees. There's more money in the private sector, employees get paid more, and you tend to get better service. At VA Dallas, there was this attitude, just get hired, and you can ride your job for 20 years, barely any accountability. Like being a federal postal worker, for example, it's an attitude. That's why many congressmen want to privatize the VA. Does everyone realize if you privatized the VA and brought in a new hospital administrator, they'd freak the hell out and start firing people left and right. The VA needs to act like they're a private hospital, go to a merit based system, and start improving care. I believe that's behind these layoffs and firings at the VA.
yes goodbye sick leave abusers and deadbeats.
Do you ever report good news on what President Trump’s doing good? The money they’re getting back through Doge will help but I do think Trump will come through… vets deserve it for sure!❣️🇺🇸❣️
Who 👏🏻 did 👏🏻 these 👏🏻 people 👏🏻 vote 👏🏻 for 👏🏻?