If you weren’t a teen in the 80s you certainly missed a lot actually having lived it I can tell you it was the best times of my entire life times I hope will never be forgotten when I listen to Madonna it takes me back to a simpler time there was hardly a time her music wasn’t being played on the radio it was literally every other song and it never got old 😀👍
If you're here,You're definitely a Die hard Madonna fan and I truly salute for that!
She was, is and always be SOLID GOLD!!! I LOVE YOU MADONNA!
The Solid Gold Dancers look amazing for the 80's but Madonna is killing it with a post-future look.
I'm not sure that people trully realize how she has always been ahead of her time... It's just amazing...
Madonna is and will always be great. I was around when she first began. Beautiful. ❤
80's beautiful decade miss it
I LOVE Madonna! She is FANTASTIC!!!!
Love this. I am friends with one of the Solid Gold dancers from the 80s, and all I can say is WOW what an amazing decade :-) Madonna is and always will be THE pop queen in my eyes.
This woman is a true living legend and the definition of a true 🌟 Star... ❤️❤️❤️
Rien à dire la meilleure de tout les temps et que les générations à venir écouteront madonna sûre monya d algerie
Queen of Pop 👑
This footage is actually the very first time I laid eyes on Madonna. I was 11 years old living on Oliver Ave in North Minneapolis. I remember not wanting her performance to end and thinking she was soooo cool!!! We didn't have DVR or Internet back then, so I could not even pause, rewind or look for her performance on an internet format. Thank goodness for YouTube!
This Brilliant 80's classic is absolutely irresistible... and so is Madonna!!!❤❤❤
She is so amazing here. Love her outfit. Holiday is an amazing dance track and it still sounds so modern & fresh! 🔥❤
1983 - this song is awesome! 2020 - this song is awesome! 2030 - this song is awesome!
She’s rappin’, rockin’ all the way to Hollywood.
Madonna the Queen ! 👑❤