Goooolly,,,,loved this show.
i used too whatch this show when i was a kid growing up and TV was clean.
Also in the B&W versions I remember, there was no announcer.
Good News Pyle! We're all finally goin' to Nam!
I remeber wen I was little this came on a 5:30 in da morning!!!
@yogafan6500 Same here, im 15 years old and I LOVE gomer pyle usmc. I own all 5 seasons and watch it so much ^^
shazam sgt we are on dvd now
I'm going by two versions which have been posted here on YouTube. And the B&W version I'm watching now is from raiderstoys channel. This is the version I remember from syndication back in the 80's and 90's only it had a different arrangement of the theme.
san diego recruit depot
The colorized version of "Gomer Pyle USMC" is more better!
If I had to guess, I'd say 1966.
not colorized.... shot in color as all shows were by 1968