
A gentleman from Oregon who posted in the Comments section of IMDb said that in 1965, "It was necessary to film the color guard and opening and closing scenes for the show in color."  He claims to be "the young Marine marching directly behind Gomer".

If what he says is correct, then that's a different color guard and Nabors and Sutton are marching with a different platoon in the B&W version.

If you play both the B&W and the color versions of the opening, you'll see differences.


Goooolly,,,,loved this show.


i used too whatch this show when i was a kid growing up and TV was clean.


Also in the B&W versions I remember, there was no announcer.


Good News Pyle! We're all finally goin' to Nam!


I remeber wen I was little this came on a 5:30 in da morning!!!


@yogafan6500 Same here, im 15 years old and I LOVE gomer pyle usmc. I own all 5 seasons and watch it so much ^^


shazam sgt we are on dvd now


I'm going by two versions which have been posted here on YouTube.  And the B&W version I'm watching now is from raiderstoys channel.  This is the version I remember from syndication back in the 80's and 90's only it had a different arrangement of the theme.


san diego recruit depot


The colorized version of "Gomer Pyle USMC" is more better!


If I had to guess, I'd say 1966.


not colorized.... shot in color as all shows were by 1968