
Legit must be terrifying to drive


It's got a 5" exhaust... proceeds to fist exhaust. Savage πŸ˜‚


Turbo got a nice engine


That turbo is MASSIVE lol


whoa GTR fest in Ennis?!?! This weekend? ooooooo


Liked just because of they got big sosa playing


Yeah nah I'm good... I think I'm mowin the lawn that wkend. πŸ€”


Turbo the size of my waist 🀣


Makes me proud to be a aussie


Is it faster than the TX2K R35 GTR?




Turning the wheel must be an exercise.


You guys should try making a fast car and get it to race the hoonicorn or beat that 6.37 in that region of car maybe a Evo awd might have a good chance reaching that 6.37


Danrue has entered the chat…..


I have seen this thing and it is fucking insane


Oh yeah, it's the fastest gtr, when it can make it down the track. Which, from what I hear, is not very often


Why do you need a 5 inch exhaust.


110mm πŸ’€


hello my brother πŸ€—
don't forget to send me a giveaway 😁
so that the work always runs smoothly and the subscribers continue to peak. That's my prayer for you my brother πŸ€—


Jun2 ??