
0:37 Cerberus. 
5:56 Gallu Demons. 
10:37 Hades. 
15:08 Hellhounds. 
23:54 Furies. 
30:17 Dullahans. 
37:37 Fenrir. 
43:37 Diyu. 
52:01 Ammit.


Who else clicked on this because it had Batman riding a burning horse in the title pic?


Merciful God, heal the wounds of the past, restore broken relationships, and mend the fractures in our world. Let forgiveness reign and reconciliation flourish in your boundless mercy.


Regarding the HellHound segment... I also would state that the 'Hound' is also a metaphor for the blurred line between civilized and barbaric. Canines without domestication are said to be feral or wild, humans arent too far removed from that either. Just a thought.

