
Where would we all be without our beautiful mamas! Mother's are wonderful people. Thank you to all the mother's. We remember and appreciate you this mother's day. God bless you y'all


This hit reminds me of my Mama, it was 2009 June when the Almighty called you. Miss you Mama,till we meet again


Here at 2020 still listening to Chris M. "Where would I be without my Momma"                        Born and raised in Africa, I left for the U.S in 95 at age 20 with big dreams like everyone else! That was the last time I saw my Momma. She past away from cancer in 2004 and never got to see what her little boy had become (teary....) but I know she's proud of her son. I've  been in the U.S Marines for 22 years now and I know "yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death" she will always watch over me. Rest in peace Momma, till we meet again.


Who else randomly look for old songs? Please leave a like let me know that i'm not alone ❤🎉


my mother died when I was 6. I'm 15 and I fell in love with this song since I heard it. Since then every time i think of her I listen to this song. It has brought me tears but I'm so proud for her and i know she's proud of me. I can't even rmbr most things about her but I'll never forget how joyous she was. I pray that one day I can look to the sky and say "mama, we did it". So many times I wanted to give up but I always said in my heart " no matter what, I'ma make my mama proud"


I just miss you mom....As each day passes, not much changes ...I still miss you and everything about you.


Lost my mom in 2021 got pregnant in 2022 I really wish she was here me motherhood ain't easy big ups to all mothers we lost I miss u Lucy 💔 😢


If your Mother is still alive you are blessed and she's a precious gift u have.i miss you MAMA 🙏🙏🙏


God bless my momma..raised me and my 2 sisters alone..everytime I think of her sacrifices I cry…there’s no one like my mother 😭😭😭😭




The funny thing is that I've always been hearing this song but have never seen the video until today.. wow Chris.. wow this brought chills, tears. Thank you for doing this song.. your love for your mom is amazing <3


This song always make me cry😢❤Always come back here.
Happy Mother’s Day To All The Mothers Out There❤🎉🎉


It just reached a million views, no Jamaican can go without this song on mother’s days Christian or not.❤️


Happy 2023 Mothers Day!!! ✨🌟✨ this song is just greatest Mothers Day song ever created!! 🔥🔥🔥 Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers and Mothers who take the role to love and support someone thats not there own!! Big ♥️♥️♥️ and BLESSINGS!!!🙏♥️🙏


Mothers are everything ❤❤ May God always protect every mother🙏


It's Mother's day 2022. I camp here every Mother's day. I lost my mother in early 2020. It's been tough, the wounds are still fresh. This song brings tears to my eyes every time it plays. Mama never had it easy at times...That is why sometimes shi cry...Many days I dont know how we survive...She seh no rate will divide😪😪


Classic. Christopher Martin is without a doubt one of the greatest artists ever to walk this planet. I just wish I can see him one day and tell him that. His music is life. Blessings to all who’s listening in 2022


Glory to the Most High    Happy Mother's day Queen's 2024 ❤💯


Happy bday today to my beautiful and courageous mama  in heaven . This song is especially dedicated to you , Love and miss you so much .  Love you loads forever ❤❤


My mom is still alive and I dedicate this master piece to her daily ❤...

For those who lost their Moms,  I bear with you. Show love. And I am sure your love for Her is eternal❤