
Every day I wake up and remember what fucking timeline we’re in.


Watching all of this makes me think that Melania really didn't want to move back into The White House.


Everything was not, it turns out, all good in the hood


Not gonna lie hearing all the applause to this stuff reminds me of that part in Star Wars Episode 3 were Padme says something about how liberty dies with the applause


I've been saying it: Biden was our Gorbachev and Trump is our Yeltsin.


Famosly every country who says "the golden age starts now" wasent a decline empire 😂😂😂


It’s so mental you guys are doing this again


His description of America sounds like a Chat GPT summary of what Civ 6 is about the entire world.


That reminds me I left an orange at the back of the cupboard


Odd to see Jeff bezos in the backround.
America isn't an oligarchy, billionaires just like to mingle in amongst government employees


Dude I thought malanea was Cillian Murphy


Just been trying to avoid it all and pretend its not happening 🤣


Wholesome to see Joe Biden so happy for his friend....


He is the Antichrist no joke


You can really tell that Trump is getting old in this speech.


People want change, it’s what they voted for. It’s sad that change is coming at their detriment. The next four years will shape the following forty.


Wow they just hanged mike pence on the front lawn of the white house


Drones are cheaper than they've ever been and can be mounted with all sorts of things


Harris sitting there like there's our President. I'm so glad I threw the election for him


Literally meaningless metaphorical dribble from him and all presidents. We’ve been fucked for decades already