not going to lie didnt tink this song would be that good but the first time i heard it i was amazed you did so good and congrats on the marriage
I’m so glad I found this rabbit hole. I love them all
I was at a party event, and this song came on. I usually just ignore the music, as I don't listen to much popular music, but this one caught my attention. The song is so dang good. Almost makes me cry everytime, it's so beautiful, the melody and the lyrics. Really hoping that I eventually find a woman who I would be able to say this to.
Loop worthy. :3
My new 3 favorite songs counting stars, stargazing, carry you home
🖊must add to wedding playlist...
This song sounds like some of the ones I'll dedicate to the love of my life when I'll know is him.
This song will be played at my wedding 💜💜💜
I’m really late to this but this song came on randomly when I finished my playlist, and I loved the song immediately. At the end of the song I was singing the chorus like I’ve heard it hundreds of times before, and I hope I will.
Alex Warren is him, your song is Amazing
I genuinely love this song so much. I play it on loop often just because it’s so calming and sweet to listen to ❤
Absolutely my favorite song right now 🥳 I love your music Alex
Heard this in my friends car and it was stuck in my head, I had to listen to it again.
You sound so good alex so proud of you.
Learning to play it rn on guitar❤
This is a special song,keep moving forward brother.
In. This and every life... I chouse us every time
My daughter’s friend sang this at a performance. It got stuck in my head. (She did great)
This song got on the radio after we left the vet to put my dog down