Pulled Lingsha and I finish MoC12 for the first time. Lingsha first team and Gallagher on 2nd team.
I just got Feixiao a week ago I had like 1k stellar jades left ans had 2 extra pulls I got Lingsha in 9 pity!
I got Lingsha in 70 pulls, I was hoping for 50 but she was definitely worth it!
Personally got Lingsha in 10 pulls so I went and gambled for the lightcone
I feel that she’s good but I don’t really play HSR for the meta only big beefy men
i skipped so many characters for lingsha & thankfully won my 50/50 + i got her lightcone! :D working to get her e1 & then i’ll save for feixiao’s rerun bcuz i need a wind dps badly lol
I'm personally waiting to see the 2.6 reruns before I decide if I want to go in on Lingsha, ik she's good and I do want her but.. every banner has me leaving it feeling poor
I love playing hsr and i pulled lingsha on the 5th pull but i also want acheron as well when she comes back around
I see Moon, I click play, this is a tale as old as time itself. Pokemon HGSS some of my favorite games. No resources for Lingsha and I feel I don't "need" her, but dragon baddie so i may still try lol
Lingsha feels so much better than Gallagher, it makes him feel like he's the beta test for her. Also, one of my favorite games is MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries. It is getting a standalone expansion in 2 weeks and I'm taking a couple days off from work to play it, so you can say I'm mildly excited.
I went E1S1 for her from a guarantee E0 then winning the 50:50 and 75:25 That extra defense down is pretty insane overall both for Break and FuA comps
I pulled robin and feixiao won both, but saved up 80 pulls for lingsha, but lost 50/50 so im at like 20 soft pity now T_T I hope I can get her
Got my E1 Lingsha, and next I'm just waiting for that 2.7 character teaser to confirm her beta kit
I was pulling for that blue haired twink but lost my guaranteed 😭
I lost my 50/50 to the flying sword kid but got her soon after, so 70 pulls total. Not bad but was a bit of a rollercoaster 😅
Didn't a previous question in one of the vids was the same? Favorite Game - Bloodborne(interesting, the last question I remember & this time are same). As for Lingsha, I need to know the upcoming reruns before any decision as rumors imply it's gonna be Ach & Aven both in 1 cycle of banners.
Natasha, "no." Yeah, she's been on my team too long to keep her going. But she's just a token of reliability. 4:09 4:42
i pulled for my girl !!! won my 50/50 and all
Got her in between 40-50 pulls I think. Still working on my build though...all those damned substats 😅