
Happy Friday Fam! 
Taking care of your skin is more important than covering it up.
Thumbs up if you agree πŸ‘πŸ»


putting ice directly on ur eye orbital area is def a NO NO. Skin is too delicate. im pretty positive this is a morning ritual to depuff and wake up tired skin and soothe tired eyes. Some professionals say directly rubbing ice on facial skin may not be healthy for everyone. and that its best to do it covered in cloth. Or maybe dipping face in ice water....aka the "ice facial" But why after cleansing. especially when u do an exfoliation w/ heat right after. i think it shud prolly come after the exfoliation or toner. would love to hear ur feedback. @jenniferchiu


i love jen so much!! she helped me completely transform my skin, shes amazing!


I’m early! Do you have tips for hormonal acne? ❀️


Love your videos !! 
For the matcha tea..
Do you know if the matcha tea latte is just as healthy as it is a latte?


Hey mama Chiu, i have really dull skin that is very oily with huge pores and multiple break outs, the problem is i have no idea what all the things i can do for my skin, do you have any suggestions for this? Thanks and loveeeee your videos :) :) :* :*


Thank you so much for every helpful video .   Tons of Love from Nepal.


Since I have acne would you recommend proactive ?


That was very helpful thank you for sharing 😊


Hello! I love your videos! What kind of facial steamer do you use?


YESSS im doing the ice after the cleanse one


Oh my God Your makeup in this video is just AWESOME !!! Your skincare tips are really helpful. Love you Chiu ❀


What at home facial steamer do you recommend?


Hi Pls do make a video on comedonal acne. It would be a great help. Lots of love.πŸ’žπŸ’•


She looks gorgeous even without makeup....love you😘😘😘


Honestly i always follow your tips πŸ€—tons of love xx😘


You make my day better and can you work video about under eye Drake's thank you


Love from India ❀️


I really love your videosπŸ’–


Who just came to see jen here?❀