
I was one of those people who was under contract for Tesla solar tiles when they jacked up the price 2 weeks before construction was to start. It is a simple A frame roof, we needed a new roof, so the timing was perfect and it was structurally sound. When I asked what was the reason for the increase after we already agreed to a price, the lady rudely said, "Look, this is the new price. Do you want to go ahead with the project or not?" I chose "not"!


3,000 installs and 6,000 cancelations is all you need to know.


The tiles are too expensive, and just super inconvenient. Normal solar cells cost 75% less.


I approached Tesla about a combination solar panel + battery backup to act as a power source during our frequent electricity outages. I sent them lots of info about my home’s electrical system. They sent me a price for a system. It was very reasonable compared to a propane powered generator. Then the confusion began. They could not mount the panels on the existing house roof. They proposed our barn roof, but because it was not standing seam metal they couldn’t mount on that either. They don’t do ground mount. After 6 months of going around, it was finally concluded that they could not provide what I wanted. I finally decided to just go with a local company with whole house solar and a ground mount. It works great!


Thank you for explaining what happened to Giga Buffalo. It seems like this is the forgotten step-child of the Tesla Giga family.


You're completely missing the elephant in the room. Tesla's dismal service record, dismal customer service, dismal call interface and communication, and endless nonsense around getting a system installed for the original price. People are willing to put up with only so much and then they simply move on to somebody who's more responsible and who can be trusted to do what they say and say what they do. Tesla Energy appears to take its que from Elon, emphasizing grandiosity, disorganization, and unreliability.


I wanted a Tesla roof but $100 grand slowed me down


I had one of the Tesla roof contract.   It went from $74k to $160k, and you got bumped off the waiting list and on the new list in order of acceptance of new priced.   They would not answer any emails or take any calls.  It was really bad form.   I think they just wanted to boost numbers to investors, stock $ or to get tax $ from states.


5:05 "bold prediction"
No. it wa a lie.

He invited hundreds of people and claims that all houses around them are covered in the new product that did not exsit. That is a lie.


Tesla Solar was just a bailout for a relative. - funded by Tesla investors against  their will.


I think that solar shingles would suffer more from high temperatures because you don't have a backside air gap to cool the shingle.


The truth is that you only need a 6kwh solar system with 2 VAWTs that produce a net 600wh at an average of 12hrs a day and a 5kwh-8kwh batteries. (10-12 if you want to be off grid)

Solar today is about 350w-380w per panel, which means you need about 18 panels. You can get VAWTs that produce way more than that today. Batteries today are about $1k-1.2k per kwh.

Right now you can get about 30 panels for $2.8k-$3k. You can get the VAWTs for about $800-$1600. $1.2k x 12 = $14.4k. About 6k for misc equipment (Micro inverters, systems, wiring). This totals at $18k for a full system. Installation might be $10k, for a total at $28k.

But... as someone who has paid for solar and installation, they try to charge you 65k. This is the problem. Oh... and state, municipal, and HOA rules basically banning all of this...


I worked at tesla as a solar installer in Portland OR for a year, there were so many customer complaints, delays backlog, panel problems etc.. it was labor intensive, hazardous work. It makes a lot of sense what Tesla is doing to try and get away from it.. it just doesn't make economical sense


The solar roof is a tiny fraction of Tesla’s solar business because of the price.  I have a conventional 36 panel Tesla solar system and it was the cheapest bid out of 6 bids and it works great, making 22,000 kWh per year for the last 2 years.


Cost is the biggest issue.  I was quoted $200k roughly for a solar roof.  As you mentioned Asian panels are cheap.  The same solar system in Australia would cost about 5x-10x less. The logic of start expensive and go down doesn’t work so well in an industry most Americans see as optional.  In Texas, thr payback on a system like this is 100 years.  No way worth it. Now if they put focus into solar, (Elon did say it was one of his life goals) subsidies solar installs, make the cheap and worthwhile, while increasing output, then people would buy them.


You're missing something here I remember reading somewhere that Solar City was insolvent and Tesla save them


Interesting. The critics were right this time. Tesla solar roofs were not profitable. That was apparent to many people when the price initially came out, but we were waiting to see what would happen once production scaled up, because many times costs come down. However, California has exceptionally high electrical rates, and exceptionally high amounts of sunshine. The numbers may have worked for Elon, when he input California numbers, but when Alabama, Kansas or Michigan numbers were used they did not do so well. Curiously, Eon did prove out the technology, but solar panel costs have been falling quickly for 15 years. As noted Eon failed to appreciate the complexity of roof construction, every time you add an angle dormer or different level you add leaks to the roof as well as shading (and 100 plus years emphasis to plant large shade trees to naturally cool roofs.


Producing renewable energy in the 1970s and 1980s was really hard. But since the 2000s-2010s it became trivial to produce energy, the problem is not deploying more solar panels, the problem is that each solar panel deployed furthers the duck curve that is wrecking grids. Batteries are definitely the business to be in right now, they are desperately needed and a much much bigger market, the cost for storage will continue to be many times over the cost of production in even the rosiest of outlooks.


The problem from a consumer point of view is this:  Tesla doesn't partner with installers.  I tried twice for two different homes to get Tesla solar panels and each time after submitting the request via their webpage there was ZERO follow-up.  One other problem I found was that because one home was off-grid Tesla DOES NOT do solar or Powerwall without a commercial power connection.  That's just dumb.  The power roof is way, way, way too expensive as well.  Musk said that the Tesla Roof would be equal to building a brand new roof in new construction or the combination of replacing an existing old roof with new shingles plus panels.  That simply was not true.


One of the primary reasons Chinese solar panels are so cheap are due to Chinese industrial policy. 

Basically the government is subsidizing their manufacturing sector far beyond what every other country does. It creates a massive  oversupply of goods that their domestic market can't absorb.

It can't absorb it because the subsidies are effectively transfers from the household sector to the industrial sector. In addition the subsidies create more supply, so it's a double-headed issue where the Chinese households are impoverished while supply is engorged. 

China is trying to export the problem away, but this, as the video touches on, can damage foreign manufacturers.

Recently both developed and developing countries have been stepping up tariffs towards Chinese goods in order to protect their own companies.