
Lisa, good video. Totally agree! I am living proof, it is the best thing you can do for yourself. My son is a dermatologist and to this day he says mother you have taught us well. We have one body and we are to take care of it. Listen to Lisa’s advice it shows. Have a blessed day lovely lady.


She is πŸ’― % positive ❀❀


Just began wearing wide brimmed hats because of you! I must have 8 of them by now!
Thanks Lisa!
Brenda in Az πŸŒ΅πŸ‘πŸ§‘


Lisa, it's so cool how you always encourage us on every level! I feel lucky that I love hats and have always worn them, though large brimmed hats do take a certain mind-set to wear. The reason you give is enough for me. Hence, your constant encouragement is truly effective! Thank you again for all your efforts. I'm so happy to be a Peach!!🧑


I will start wearing a wide brimmed hat.  Thanks !


Lisa, I’m so happy you posted this! I literally just came through the door from my walk and I wore this hat. I recently bought the same print as the one you put on your head. I love it! What I love about this hat is that it is natural straw material and the height in this hat provides some airflow. It keeps your head cooler than if there were no space there. I love the material print bc it provides full shade. I have plenty of other wide brim hats but they are that fake plastic straw material and they can be HOT in the summer’s hot and humid weather. I’m looking for other styles of natural straw material for dressier occasions. But this style is perfect for the beach or walking or more casual purposes. Thank you again for sharing and encouraging me and all of us here. πŸ‘πŸŒΈπŸ’•Pia


Thanks hun 😊


I just ordered a wide brimmed hat today.  I had a precancerous spot frozen on the side of my face today. I usually would wear a baseball cap!!!


Love the hat tip, and also, are you related to congresswoman AOC? You sound and look alike!


Hi Lisa, thank you. Are there any brands you recommend?




I love it! <3 Please tell me, how do you get the hat over your hair bun!? Is it a special bun hat, or do you just size up? I don't wear hats as often as I should because I usually have a bun like yours and don't want to take it down to wear the hat. I didn't realize I could do both!!


Where do you get your hats? Do you sell them?


What brand are your hats?


Also, your scalp. I can't tell you how many times I've burnt that same strip of part on my scalp over the past 30 years.

