
There's a lot broken hearts here, but I wanted to remind you of the fact that love comes back. It comes back in other forms, maybe not your person but from your friends, pets, sunsets, or that nice teacher who always asks how you're doing. It always comes back so don't blame yourself for loving someone. ❤


"When we're apart and I'm missing you I close my eyes and all I see is you and the small things you do" ❤️


This song makes me think of love that I never even experienced


"And when we're apart, and I'm missing you. I close my eyes and all I see is you and the small things you do"  🥺 it's not just a lyric but it was my story 😢
I miss you babe. Hoping you rest in peace 🥀


When we're out in a crowd laughing loud
And nobody knows why
When we're lost at a club, getting drunk
And you give me that smile
Going home in the back of a car
And your hand touches mine
When we're done making love
And you look up and give me those eyes
'Cause all of the small things that you do
Are what remind me why I fell for you
And when we're apart, and I'm missing you
I close my eyes and all I see is you
And the small things you do
When you call me at night while you're out
Getting high with your friends (high with your friends)
Every "hi", every "bye", every "I love you" you've ever said
(You've ever said)
'Cause all of the small things that you do
Are what remind me why I fell for you
And when we're apart, and I'm missing you
I close my eyes and all I see is you
And the small things you do
When we're done making love
And you look up and give me those eyes
'Cause all of the small things that you do
Are what remind me why I fell for you
And when we're apart, and I'm missing you
I close my eyes and all I see is you
And all I see is you and the small things you do
All the small things you do


he was genius to upload the sped up version in his own account so other channels wont take it


R.I.P Rosie Dianne Elder. Your soul carries me each and every single day. ❤️ thank you for blessing me with your time here. It meant the world


"When I close my eyes and I see you"
Hits sad when you miss your best friend/dog :(


It reminds me of standing in the rain. You could get sick and soaked, but you stay there because it feels amazing anyway.
This reminds me of someone I love, but they’ll never love me.


If someone leaves you even after You tried your best and stayed loyal its not your fault, it's theirs. They were too immature and dumb to notice your worth. It's their mistake. Don't cry for their loss. They are the ones who lost someone who loved them you didn't lose anything. Tbh you got freed from a relationship that was probably a time waste. And love isn't something that's only Romantic. The happiness our pets give is love, the Protection our parents give is love, the laughter our friends give is Love. Everything is Love. Be positive and Keep glowing 💗
Love you stranger💫🫶🏻


this song flys you by all your happy childhood memories year by years


After parts like “you’ve ever said” or some part with a bit of musical part after it I like to repeat the last words like “you’ve ever said” in my singing voice. It’s so sweet…


It hurts when you expect something and that does not go that way...still we expect


00:36 best part 💖


It's like a warm hug


This song is so beautiful. For some reason I think of life as it goes on. And it also reminds me of stormy weather my favorite kind of weather when it rains.


this reminds me of my best best friend that moved halfway across the country. she doesn’t seem to care that she moved. she seems…happy. but I wish I was dead. i cant stand being alone like this anymore. we would sneak out at 2am together, hang out all day of everyday, we would go out and get food, but i only want to do that with her. nobody else can give me that feeling of comfort. nobody can have the same moments with me as I did with her. we would go out at night at like 2:30am and go to the park and lay on the crosswalk in the road where no cars could hit us. we would have no phones with us. no headphones. just us. no tiktok. no youtube. just us. it was an amazing feeling of pure freedom. I miss it so badly. we would go onto the tennis court while it was raining at night. and just carelessly run around and sit in the puddles of rain. play catch in the rain. we would sit down back to back in the puddles and sing together. we would stay up late and go on the deck to look at the stars and listen to music. i wish she never left. but all i can do is wish. please someone come save me from the true hell of a world that we live in. please.


Turn to Christ and God bless you all!🙏✝️❤️


when i listen to this song i truly think of Jesus many people will maybe skip or be annoyed by comment just by mentioning the name Jesus but i tell in truth Jesus made me realize how blessed i am, i eat and drink water every day i have the opportunity to talk to get help from anybody i have a bed to sleep on i thank him for everything that he has given to me whether it’s at work of at school or at home he has helped me in every way possible he gave me eternal life he suffered on the cross paying for every sin while being perfect just for me to be able to be forgiven of my sins “Jesus replied to them saying, I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father but through me” he got spit on he got humiliated by everyone he got tortured when he did not do nothing wrong but he told the father forgive them for they do not know what their doing he truly has saved me


Those Eyes tell us 3 stories one from her eye, one from mine, and one when we were Together ❣️.......