
I'd love to know what you learned in this video! Hearing from you is wonderful, but only when you're nice :face-blue-smiling:


Fantastic tutorial! Fast paced, quick, and to the point. No rambling. I love that. Definitely learned some new techniques for my wildlife images. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you. Cheers mate!


great video Alex!!!


Ooooooo can’t wait to sit down for this one! I’ve just recently been clumsily dipping my toes into this on my own.


Thanks for the video.  I learned I know a lot less about editing and photography than I thought.


Great video explaining all the different options you have for masking. Not sure if you know, I haven't seen anyone use it, but if you have a mask active you can hold Alt to show a Intersect button. Easier in my opinion then fiddling with the ellipsis button 😊

And I've been using your Companion for over a year or so. I really like it because it helps me tremendously to keep the same flow during editing and because of that I'm more consistent in my style of editing across images. I've made some tweaks to some of the presets so they apply my personal preferences.


Phew, great tutorial. I do find that basic masks are great but using the add, subtract, and intersect functions I tend to lose what I'm actually trying to achieve in the first place. This video helped me better understand. Practice makes perfect thank you.


Great tutorial. I would be interested in seeing similar videos for other tools in lightroom as well!


Wonderful tutorial Alex!


Excellent video.  I have used masks for a couple of years, and I did learn a couple tricks I did not know.


It'd be cool if we could get a dng to follow along.


That's a great post, Alex. Thanks!


I’ve played with masks for quite a while but I can already see it was just that—playing. Another awesome guide as usual, Alex.

(P.S. sorry I haven’t been commenting. Still watching! Just life has thrown me some curveballs lately.  It’s been nice to see you’re doing well.)


thank you teacher, alex :)


I was cynical about this video in that I've been using LR for many years and believed that I had mastered it.  Yes, I learned about intersecting masks as well as some of the tools to feather that I didn't know about.  Very good job....   OBTW with the mustache and glasses, you look very believable.  You would do well as a professor or an expert witness in court.😏


Good morning Alex 🌈 What I learned is a crappy photo can be made to look great with editing.


How much of the same things are available in Photoshop (I really dislike LR)? I probably don't use masks as much as I should.