Cleans room in revenge
Love imagining myself taking the revenge but in reality I just ignore them and move on <3 QUEEN BEHAVIOUR ONLY
listening to this late at night with no one to get revenge on hits hard
I feel like I was just a replacement for him💀💀💀I'm gonna have an INSANE comback. Not for HIM to realize what he lost but for me to see what I can become
love this and it’s so good after a breakup.
my ex girlfriend broke up with me saying "i see you just as a friend", i found out today that she broke up with me for a guy :))
Your revenge is being unapologetically you and having great music taste while doing it.
this might be the first playlist where i dont skip any songs
my friend just flashed me to get me to go away even tho i was just sitting in the corner listening to music while they're making tiktoks and before that they were running from me and told me to not follow them. so i ran. i ran and ran and ran. for 2 hours while dancing to this playlist. i was never chasing them and they threw a crochet needle at my head. they attacked me with pillows and wouldn't stop hitting me. i'm at my best friends bday party and she doesn't even care i'm here. also i'm hiding in the bathroom. it's 2am and the won't even let me in the room to sleep. but i can't leave them bc they're my best friends.
just got told he wants me to be happy and long distance isnt gonna work out. i havent loved anyone like this before and cant stop crying now
gotta bring back the stories under playlists so heres a little something "The world is naturally "morally grey"; without good, evil can not disturb the social equilibrim and without evil, good can not conquer all. So hero, tell me," leans into him, whispering directly into the tied up hero's ear, "are you a hero, or a pawn in the game that is life" she said annociating each word with another bullet wound. "If only people could think about the other side before thinking with emotion rather than logic, maybe then I wouldn't have to kill you my love. But you have already lost yourself, as did I." In the end, someone had to die to balence out the wrong doers on the planet and unfortunately, it can't be me. not after all those girls I promised justice for. maybe in another life, you wouldn't be a cheat and r4pist, and in another, i wouldn't fallen in love with the facade that was your love. I WROTE WHERE YOU CAN REREAD BACKWARDS TO IF YOU WANTED TO AND STILL MAKE SENSE TO MAKE IT FEEL BETTER SORRY FOR ANY SPELLING MISTAKES BUT THE INTENT IS THERE
this playlist is just a vibe
Was crying over my ex feeling loads better now 😁😁
Move on sweetheart, friends don’t make you feel crap! Probably a bit of jealousy is involved usually with girls. You my love are worth more ❤️
holy shit when i saw the title the first song that came to my mind was escapism and that was the first song!
This is so good but I have to go to bed but ima listen to this tho😢❤❤❤❤❤
Guys I literally need you advice bc idk if I should end the friendship between me and my bestfriend. When I tell her something that happens to me she often says ˋidc just shut tf up´ She also excludes me when we’re with our friend group. One day I was talking to a girl in my class and that girl told me how pretty my hair was that day and then my bestfriend came and said her hair ist basically made out of plastic bc she uses so many silicones ´ I mean she doesn’t even grant me a compliment My bestfriend just makes me feel so down all the time So should I end the friendship or talk to her? What do you guys think
i instantly recognized the first one 👀 edit: and all the rest. is that a good thing?
POV: your boyfriend of a year and a half broke up because you realized you gave him to many chances