Hi Brad! I really enjoyed your review, but I got one problem about your criticism when comparing S-pen with apple pencil you said that S-pen has problem with palm rejection that it leaves marks on your drawing when your hand resting on it, and that's causing annoying problem, this, I think it is invalid criticism, because in almost every apps I tried like Artflow, Infinite Painter, and Sketchbook there's literary "PEN ONLY MODE" in the settings, this option totally ignore your hands when painting, but your fingers will still works as multitouch gestures, shortcus, etc, this option makes my experience with S-pen works flawlessly. Hope you read this, since I think you might not explored those options yet.
What kills android tablets isn’t in the specs for artist it’s the apps! If procreate was in android well that’s something .
Brad has done so many android tablets reviews lately, I think he almost convinced me to buy one
Im on a tight budget so I'm gonna get this one, don't really need the power of the normal s6 or the one from an ipad. I just need a tablet with a good pencil that I can afford
3:29 after the software upgrade we now do have DeX for the lite!!!!
"It's the artist, not the tools" Really hits me. I don't know if I should but Samsung Tab S6 Lite or iPad 7th w/ pencil.
I purchased this tablet after Brad's review, and installed Infinite Painter on it, and it's fantastic. I mostly use it as a digital sketchbook though and haven't tried painting in it yet. Just wanted to thank Brad for this review and for the review of Android apps, they helped me decide which tablet to buy :) P.S. pen rejection works flawlessly for me if I enable pen only mode.
Considering Brad's go to is an Ipad, this review is extremely complimentary to the Tab s6 lite.
I've been using this tablet for almost 9 months for remote teaching and I must say it saved my life and helped my students learn much better.
Just ordered one of these...haven't had a tablet since the Nexus 9...this is gonna be such an upgrade! Great summary video thank you 🤓
Hey Brad! To get rig of these stripes on your Amoled screen you can set your camera's shutter speed to fixed 1/60 sec (don't use auto setting). This will sync your camera shutter with 60Hz display, so you will not get this strobes on the video. This is pretty common issue based on how modern digital camera's shutter works. Hope this will help someone!
I'm at the point where I've just about got everything I need for drawing, but I still watch these videos because he has such a fun way of explaining the tools.
Just for fun i bought a S-Pen recently for my S21 and installed Sketchbook, and man, the quality and feel blew me away. Was pretty close to my wacom pad, just with the added feature of seeing your lines directly where you draw them. Of course the smart phone size means it's pretty much like drawing on a paper notebook. For hobbyists like me, who won't buy a 1k+ $ drawing tablet with built in screen, that's still a completely new experience. Gotta get that s6 Lite ASAP, finally a decent sized, quality screen to draw on, that doesn't cost as much as a used car.
...is it just me or is this the first time Brad has used such a wide stereo background music? It's nice, hearing it bounce between L and R speakers! Nice touch Brad!
What people need nowadays is simple: A cheap windows Tablet for school with a stylus that isnt as crappy or expensive as the n-trig Surface ones. It should also be able to work as a streaming device. Paired with the "Always on" feature and amazing battery life, this would crush the Surface lineup, provided that the device can run X64 executables.
I was about to buy the Tab s6 but ended up waiting for the S6 lite to be released. It was worth it, the video really nails on all the reason why I bought it. It comes down to simply being cheaper and not suffering in performance. I love this tablet.
I just got mine this week and I have been loving it! So nice for portable drawing!
To think that I've watched this video many times, dreaming of this item and finally getting it after a few months of saving? It's such a good product for an affordable price. I remember of squealing too much because I could finally hold this tablet. Still has some ups and downs' but it is still a pretty good device.
Hey brad, i bought this because of your review. Was deciding between the s6 or the lite, and no regrets with the lite here. Everything you said is SO TRUE. I have an s10 so i was a bit worried with the TFT display. It's decent actually, might even be better than what i previously expected having used the s10. Saved myself a huge chunk of money by going for this instead of the s6. Thanks man 👍