
This one scene demonstrates Alfonso Cuarón’s control of the camera and pacing in the edit. I really wish he had directed more than one of the movies. He brought a whole new level of filmmaking and cinematography and emotion to the franchise.


Michael Gambon’s first appearance as Albus Dumbledore.


The one even Lord Voldemort feared .. RIP sir


I like how when Hagrid stood up and bumped the table, McGonagall’s glass remained still whlie the others fell and shattered


When you're dying of laughter because of Snape's reaction to Dumbledore's announcement about Lupin being hired. Alan Rickman knew why Snape was against this, but viewers seeing the film for the first time (back in 2004) or who have not yet read the books, are none the wiser.


One of my favorite lines in franchise from Albus Dumbledore


RIP Sir Michael Gambon


Teacher: Alright, I need a volunteer to deliver this to the office.

Me: 1:31


"But, you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. When only remembers to turn on the lights."


1:36 Hermione has the cutest cheer ever and nobody can tell me otherwise.


The fact that dumbledore in chamber of secrets and the dumbledore in prisoner of azkaban is different cuz the original dumbledore died in 2002 :(


After Richard Harris died, Ian McKellen, Christopher Lee and Peter O'Toole were offered/considered for the role.


i just now realized the choir were holding.. toads???


1:06 my favorite comeback


You can hear the change in dracos voice cause he sounds concerned and then mean


Peace to Michael Gambon.


3 years later after his death mc  gonagall raised her wand and lighted up the sky.... now it makes sense....


1:07 Asking the real questions.


Although Richard Harris IS Dumbledore, this scene was imo the closest Michael Gambon got to Harris’s portrayal which was book accurate in which Dumbledore was described as kind and warm but wise and strict and Gambon’s portrayal kinda has this bad reputation that he was just this grumpy and pissed off guy. (not to be blamed btw😂) but this scene allows him to do what Harris did in the first 2 films but then the directors in the later films had something else in mind and it wasn’t good at all. Though one can argue that in the later movies he grew into it and fit the darker and more serious ones which as much as I love Harris, I don’t know if he could’ve done it


RIP Michael Gambon