
Watch it a few times! If you really try to pay attention to how smooth the videos are, you'll see 60 is really fluid liquid smooth but seems unnatural compared to the 24 which is a bit choppier but seems easier to watch!


60 frames per second looks more like how the eye and brain perceive things.  24 frames per second has a cinematic look, that to most people is pleasing, even though it's slightly choppy.  24 frames per second looks best if the camera's shutter speed is set at 1/48 sec, which yields 50% motion blur.  Shutter speeds that are faster than 1/48 sec will have a strobing effect.  A global shutter in a video camera looks better than a rolling shutter, since the individual frames look similar to frames in a movie camera.  Films in theaters look better than when seen on video.  That's because todays films when they are transferred to video look choppier than when they're viewed in movie theaters.  In order to transfer films at 24 frames per second to video at 30 frames per second, every 4th frame has to be repeated, which doesn't appear as smooth as when viewed in movie theaters.  That, my friends, is my lesson for the day.  At ease, soldiers.   🤠


I actually experience the exact opposite: 24 fps looks unnatural uneasy and choppy to me, 60 fps more in line with reality and MUCH easier to look at without the same strobe effect. Well, I do play more on PC in high framerates than going to the cinema, so I guess it is all down to what our brain has been accustomed too - I believe it is all about the plasticity of our minds - or rather the lack thereof that determines what we prefer. I think of Higher framerates as just higher temporal resolution, it "downside" compared to 24 when it comes to movies is that it is more revealing (like spatial resolution) and thus like spatial resolution helps reflect reality better the higher the framerate (just as with resolution). That is why high framerates is perfect for sports, as it reveals more of the real-life movement energy and inertia, but it also reveals that actors in a movie are actually acting, making it look "movie-unreal" by reflecting actual acted reality better; It becomes like going to the non-movie theater and our brains are simply not accustomed to that when it comes to movies. Had we never been accustomed to 24 fps by the constraints in early technology (it was even lower before 24 fps), we might have had very different opinions than those we have by our historical habituations.


"looks too smooth to be 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡"
"60 is a bit too 𝙪𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙡"

wonder what reality this guy lives in


This video has convinced me of the opposite of the video creator's conclusion. 
4k60 looks massively better than 4k24.


"It looks too smooth to be real"

that's like... the opposite of what it looks like. it looks to smooth to be fake


"60 fps is too smooth" what!? I don't understand
We didn't move 24 times per sec, how can lower frame rate be more "natural"?


Being in 24 fps is the reason why many movies were ruined to us here in a PAL country. Not because of the aesthetic, dreamy detail derived by 23.976 frames a second, But it's the process of speeding up and then "correcting" the audio pitch using a low quality pitch shifter. The broadcasters monitoring the sound in stereo would perceive somewhat a "nice" surround that doesn't give a fuck about each aural object's positioning, but as the general viewer who usually gets access to just a mono stream gets the whole audio track as if it's being played in an erratically moving fighter jet or a pipe that's changing its length ever so often. Back then, only the speed was changed resulting a higher pitch and I am okay with it. And in fact, I've been speeding up some songs in my library to match the fresh feel added by speeding up a 24 fps video into 25.


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for this! 👏👏👏

The MOST concise video comparison of 24 vs 60fps out there for us newbies. This definitely helps me with deciding on the look I want to achieve with my videos.


Photography and cinema is art. And art is subjective. Both 24 and 60 have their own distinctive characteristics. There are no right or wrong in art, all depends


I think his explanation is the opposite of what he means. 24 may look cinematic BECAUSE it looks less like real life. 60 looks more like real life and may seem less different and therefore less cinematic


24 fps is for cinema, not for television or YouTube. The big problem on YouTube is that everyone is told to use 24fps but no one understands all the things you need to do to make it look good. 60fps is fool proof.


24fps is not "more real" but "more cinematic".
60fps looks "more real" but "less cinematic".
24fps is like reading a physical book and 60fps is like reading a digital one.
24fps is like believing that what is happening in the film is or was somehow real.
60fps is like knowing the trick behind cinema but still enjoying the visuals.
24fps contains more magic while 60fps contains more tech quality.

I personally prefer 24fps for cinema, and 60fps for video games, for example.
Not saying one is better than the other, just that both hit different feelings.


24fps is not better than 60, it's just that we associated the idea of cinema with the 24fps.
60fps is "closer" to real life than 24, we're just not used to watching movies in 60fps.


rubbish.  you can't have 2 different fps settings in the same timeline. obviously you just discrded 36frames to fake the 24p look. 24p at 1/50 is very smooth too


4k/8k 24fps with 1/50 shutter speed is the way to for cinematic films for me


Watching at 60 fps video feels like you're looking through a window into the real world.
Watching at 24 fps video feels like you're watching television.
Neither is better that the other. It's a personal preference.


how is 60 unnatural??? that doesn't make any sense at all. 24fps looks unnatural because it's almost flickering, you can see the frames changing. 60 looks life-like and it's much harder to see the frames changing. how many fps does real life have? the framerate resolution is infinite in real life (much faster than 24fps), so why are you saying 60fps is unnatural compared to 24fps?????


i dont think this is true


the smoothest visuals you can ever see are things that are in real life. The "60FPS looks too smooth to be real" statement is just flat out wrong. REAL LIFE IS SMOOTH.