Filing a complaint against someone because you're miserable is ridiculous. I'm sorry Dr.
The fact that the society even started an investigation is ridiculous. SMH.
I'm glad he apologized. But how can they investigate you without speaking with the complainant. Poor investigation tactics
Speaking as a woman, thank you for advocating for women in abusive relationships unapologetically!! ❤
Imagine trying to ruin a stranger's life because you're in a bad place. What is wrong with people?
Keyboard warriors trying to ruin people’s livelihood is truly disgusting
I can speak firsthand about Dr. Youn and his professional ism. I am one year post tummy tuck . I chose Dr. Youn I had complete trust in his skill as a surgeon. He was an absolute professional in every way. It is sad to think his reputation could be at stake. I support you completely, Dr. Youn.
Thank you for standing up and defending women with controlling and abusive partners
My favorite doctors HAVE a sense of makes them more relatable.
Shame on the plastic surgery society for not dropping this!! I'm so sorry you have to deal with this!! You are a very fine doctor!!
I was investigated as a nurse and it was a 1.5 year investigation and they “found no findings”. A person did this with no reason. You will win this!
I'm happy that man who complained apologized to you & the committee & that you are a good Dr with integrity. I'm sure it will all work out positively.
This is absurd! I'm so sorry you're going through this
The fact that this dude was offended by you standing up for women just goes to show who the real misogynist is. That’s absolutely disgusting. My ex told me to get a boob job. I spent most of my life being self conscious about having small boobs and just in the last few years, I’ve come to really love how my body looks and have learned to embrace my A cup bra size. When he told me that, it was one of the most hurtful things ever and really made me question his feelings for me. Good on you for putting men like him back in their box. I hope the people investigating you see the comments here and understand that your TikTok wasn’t malicious, wasn’t promoting violence, and instead, was calling out the misogyny women have to face even from the men who say they love us. Thank you! You did a service.
The TikTok video is clearly a supportive joke too, I feel so sorry for you 😭
You’re so gracious, Dr Youn. You’re right, it took a lot of integrity for the guy to make amends for what he did.
It’s kind of scary how one random person can do so much damage. What you say online MATTERS !
This world is getting crazy in so many ways…I’m really sorry.
This is outrageous. I am so sorry you are going through this.