
Went to see Robbie Williams film with my friends.   Better Man was brilliant, we all ended up crying .. loved it


This movie is so, so good. Watched it again last night with my husband and he enjoyed it a lot as well. The more I watch it, the more I'm convinced it's going to end up as my #1 for the year.


Honestly, people, I think, underestimate just how funny Robbie Williams is! That man has been through a lot from an early age and he's continually worked on himself to get to where he is today! Is he perfect? No, but is anyone? No!  He is unashamed of his mistakes and his issues and I find it incredibly brave of him to be up there accepting the award for something that must have been incredibly difficult for him to do due to how personal he would have had to get! Congrats to him, the cast, crew directors, etc.; its a worthy win! :)


He's still got that cheeky charm.  And Angels will always be one of my favourite ballads.  Good on him.


The film was brilliant Robbie baby


Robbie’s acceptance speech being so transparent about his mental health struggles made me actually cry like 50 times because the most artistic and creative things I’ve ever done have come out of times when I’ve been in a dark place or trying to make the most out of my understanding and personal experience with trauma and all the rest of it, god bless his soul
It definitely reminds me of people like Freddie Mercury and Kurt Cobain and I just hope to gosh  we don’t lose another gifted angel being rob in this case until he’s like 100+ years old


Such a brilliant movie. I can’t stop thinking about it. Just an extraordinary concept and actualisation. Well done Michael and team. Love you Robbie 💙


I adore this guy it’s taken me years to actually look into the man that he is 
I always new the songs and loved them but in this past year I have WATCHED him perform and he is something else 
His connection to audience his heart his confidence he is fragile yet tough easily my fav now 
Just want to give him the biggest hug 
So sorry for his sadness in childhood - it effects us 
I understand completely and relate ❤️


Amazing film, absolutely loved it - well deserved. Just can’t understand how it wasn’t a huge hit - it really is brilliant


I feel vindicated! I’ve been talking up this film for a couple months now. I loved it so much.


Ok! 💯 the best movie! Robbie is fucking adorable and always has been. He legit actually loves Australia and I’m just so proud of him. Gracey is just fucking amazing and took a chance on this and it was astonishing! So bloody proud! This is epic! 🇦🇺❤️


Yes, this was the best movie I have seen in years, I enjoyed it so much.  I keep raving about it, and nobody I know has seen it.


He did talk and Hollywood should have listened 😎


Honest, inspiring and funny. Love you Robbie.


I yust want to say is a very very good movie.. and the performance from Robi William is wonderfull ..🎉  the songs, music, everything.. ❤😊


Yay 🎉 Congratulations to everyone who made the film 🎥


Congratulations 🐵
And congratulations to the director how make this magnificent film this extraordinary movie be ones the best of the year deserves this award 🌹🙌 🎉👏👏


I love you Robbie you would of succeeded no matter what, if it was big, you would have made other kinds of feel good movies 🥰


Yay 🎉 Congratulations to everyone who the made film


Congratulations, great job. 👍🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️