Greatest Artist of all time. The biggest lost in Hip-hop history.
This shit still bring tears to my eyes im still here for the 2028 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥R.I.P Pac
Love ❤ you mom, you will always be inn my heart R.I.P
Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
19 years old, crying, listening to this song, having lost my mom a year ago. I miss her so much and still can't believe she's gone thinking I'm dreaming and that I'd wake up any second with her waking me up. Rest easy, mom. I love you now and forever
Look around your not here anymore I wish I was strong and wise like you .
Shout out to all those lovely, hard working mothers!!!!!
My man singer Appreciated
My mom began her journey home 15 years ago…I don’t cry anymore I listen to this and pursue life how she raised me..this is a thank you to all mothers much respect and love it’s not an easy job tryna raise a man so for you ladies going through it..I pray for you everyday
If your mommas still around, appreciate it. I'm 40, my mom's had health issues for years now. I had to take her to the ER a few weeks ago. She's better now but time is undefeated. Sitting in the ER at 5am really made the reality of it sink in. If you love your mom make sure she knows it. Being older and staring down something that is gonna happen, regardless of anything, is a tough pill to swallow...
This hurts to listen too because at least his mom tried and I have to think of my stepmom instead of my real mom for this which just feels wrong
"There No Way I Can Pay You Back, But The Plan Is To Show You That I Understand....You Are Appreciated"
My son will dedicate d dear mama to me I love ❤️ and miss him so much
Jay Z never made a classic like this 🤷🏾♂️ PAC the 🐐
Tupac is alive in our hearts❤️💕💐
This song hits different when you're older
Lost my mom when I was 16 she past in my arms I'm 37 now 😞💔 I love you mom
Raised by a single mother! Happy Mother’s Day to all beautiful women out there!
We all lost our mums. I've listened to pac since 92, lost mum in 98 , it's 2024 and pac still there. Love 2pac. Fuck death row.