
When and how you go back to work is no one’s business but your’s and Aj’s. You don’t need to defend your decision, and don’t let anyone bully you into thinking you need to!


As a postpartum nurse who sees that everyone’s healing journey is soo different depending on their birth experience and personality- your plan sounds like a great one since it’s so flexible! If getting to get out of the house after two weeks helps you feel better that’s amazing!!


I’m not going to lie I laugh when people say “you’re never going to want to do anything because you’re going to be so tired and never sleep”. I can attest that sometimes you get energy from things other than sleep like fresh air, people (fellowship), shopping, reading my Bible. I literally slept 2-4 (broken) hours a day for the first month my girls were here and it was hard but I made it and I had to realize that sometimes things other then sleep give you rest. Women need to stop projecting their experiences onto other people so freely. Every woman and body is different!! You. Do. You. ❤


It is absolutely precious seeing you with that bump. So made up for you.


So glad Vinny is doing better, I love seeing her on your videos. Your hair is so pretty and it has grown so quick.


I searched diaper bags that don’t look like diaper bags aesthetic 😂💗 I LOVE


Time’s flying!!! I can’t believe I’ve been following you for a while now. You are glowing Momma! Happy anniversary to you and AJ! 🎉❤ last anniv before the baby! Exciting times!


Also Rachel you dont need to ever explain yourself, this is your channel for people who love you! People who know you, know you will do what ever is right for you & baby boy!


I had to go back to the previous video to understand what the comments were about... Yes, Rachel, the only ones who didn't understand what you said were those who didn't WANT to understand! I always pray for you and your family ❤ and I hope that this type of comment doesn't change what you do here on YouTube ❤️ Thank you for sharing so much reality! Take care! Kisses from Brazil 🇧🇷🫰🏻


So funny about being a Michelin star restaurant snobby food critic. 😂 I have never tried a date smoothie —how was it? Praying Vinnie (Vinny?) is ok and heals fast. My heart dropped when you mentioned that she threw up blood ! I guess that I am attached to your cat, lol. Glad she was feeling better with meds & and shot. Hilarious that you refuse to wear maternity clothes but yours are so cute & look comfy. I wish I’d had cute ones when pregnant. It doesn’t matter what people think you should do after having your baby—do what you & AJ feel is best and what you want! Your work atmosphere does seem fun. 😊


omg the diaper bag is GORG!!


My All Time Comfort Youtuber As Always Rachel🥹♥️🥹


Appreciate how candid you are; sharing your journey/life. Blessings x, I hope your week goes well❤


So happy to finally see your baby bump💜💜


Super jealous she only works 3 days a week and for her parents.


You’re for sure gonna wanna get out the house. We went to the mall for our first outing and brought new phones 😂 everyone was peeking in the strolling like, oh that a fresh baby 😂😂 she was like a month old 😂😂😂


YOU ARE STUNNING! You are glowiiiing!!!💕🤩


Happy anniversary and hope Vinny feels better soon


I have two kids one will be two next month and the other is 8 months and I was out of the house with both of them by three weeks. Sometimes sitting at home just doesn’t cut it. Nobody should judge you for that. You do whatever you need to mama it’s your life not theirs


Happy Anniversary & hope Vinny gets better!! ❤❤