
The kill icon for the magnum is so clean


My boy here re-creating some peak 2011 content here in 2025 like a wild ass time traveler


3:41 Nothing funnier to me than people rage quitting only to end up back in the same lobby they rage quit from


3:59 bro is playing All Ghillied Up on the left


bro will do anything but get a nuke with riot shield, rpg, c4, stuns, scavenger, danger close, commando

Day 90-something of asking for a nuke with this class


Bro that stun had me dying 6:53. Just one thing after another I swear


I swear I love coming back to this and watching ALL of the new videos. Love this soooo much


Please never stop making these MW2 vids, love from Fort Lauderdale 🤘🏽


12:08 Ladies and Gentlemen, the world's first! ROLLING SEMMMTEXX 😂


My brother and I had a huge debate of what’s better between the Desert Eagle and Magnum. I always go with the Desert Eagle because of capacity yet the recoil is high and he likes the magnum because of its 2 shot kill yet it has 6 rounds. So there’s a pro and a con between both of them.


There is only one I've ever seen do no killstreak nukes with pistols and he was the best reg gunner I've ever seen and that was SeaNanners. Like you say, alot easier back in the day, different game modes, can consistently back in and out of lobbies for easier games etc. So yeah probably impossible nowadays like you say. You're still a beast though my friend, love how you keep the passion for MW2 alive👍


Perfect… it’s 11pm in the UK, I’ve just got back from a late shift so watching this with my wind down cup of tea and cigarette…👍


6:22 cracked up laughing so bad XD THIS LUCK OMFG


2:34 my brain is so damaged that i thought you said "hawk tuah" for a sec.


You getting nukes with these classes makes me realize how bad I am at this game


Mid-day upload from Fort = mid-day edge for your boy. Appreciate it, Fort!


The GOAT! I have followed you now for like 5 years and you have never dissappionted with your constant stream of killer content!
Thanks fortunate!  ✌️


Class videos dude. It’s rare that you find anyone playing mw2 now and putting it on YouTube. Keep the videos going man. Can’t wait for the next one!


Estate was the first ever map i played on the ps3


I wasn't expecting this vid at all but I'm glad it's here! 💯