Man your lawn always blows me away! Looks amazing!!!
I grew up in the desert and now live in the midwest. Your videos are invaluable. Thank you!
SilverCymbal never disappoints! Thank you for all the wonderful home, lawn & yard-care solutions.
I’ve been using Wonderside for two seasons. Works well! 1/3 acre suburban yard. Smells great too!
Interesting, I have purchased Cedarcide about a month ago, and trying it now, I got the 1 gallon of the product and it smells amazing. Thanks for sharing all of these tips and tricks. There is another product I purchased from them which is called Cedarshield, which is made for protecting wood, very interesting product, it is a solvent based that has or uses Cedar oil, according to them, you only have to apply it once, draws moisture from wood and protects it from pests.
The great thing about cedar based oils is it doesn’t hurt any pollinators at all. So bees and wasps and any other incidental pollinators are not harmed
I love the idea! I got a $10 electric water dispenser and some old tubing and I made it work the same way. Just applied it yesterday and waiting to see the results
Don’t forget extra large, 50+ acres: cropduster!
Probably my favorite video. Thank you.
As always, good stuff Chris!
I'm curious of if you've got any tips for helping voles and mice? Great videos all the time, much appreciated!
ur video ideas are unique and so dope great work i use a spray bottle with vodka, Vanilla extract, peppermint oil, tea tree, rosemary and lemon grass and mist it on myself before i leave the house u can see the mosquitos land on u and run away
Your place looks so beautiful.
I use cutter's yard spray sold at HD. It works for about a week. Then have to respray the yard every week.
I use Mosquito Barrier, which I think you recommended in a video several years ago. It seems to work pretty well....when I'm not too lazy to actually use it....
We buy guinea fowl. We get eggs, they eat ticks and seeds. No chemicals or oils
You are a fountain of useful information. I bought a Ryobi insect mister. Used it once, wroked great. Used it again and somehow it started leaking all the chemical out. What a waist.
Your grass and overall yard is so nice, sheesh.
Boy, this would have been nice years ago. I live in a rural town with a grassy park/ball park across the street and a corn field down the street. I also have longcoat German Shepherds that I don't want to make sick. The 1st year of West Nile, about the same time my town said they weren't going to spray for mosquitoes, my husband, got bit by a mosquito that snuck in the house. He got West Nile, he had Encephalitis and spent a period of time in the hospital. It took over a year to recover. Unfortunately, at the same time, another man in my town also got West Nile. He spent a year in the hospital and a Rehab. He ended up passing away. Both were healthy and young at the time so this is not a joke. I suspect a mosquito came in on a dog or when someone opened a door. Our town still refuses to spray, the park is infested with mosquitoes and already we have had several confirmed human cases in our county.