Oh fun!! Lavender and Aster are cute! You are so sweet and gentle with them, Evie. ❤ And Tucker just wanted to play! 😂
Congrats on the new additions to the family, Evie! They're so cute 🥰🪻
Happy new year to y’all’s howl family and all the farm animals! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I think shortly without treats they will be following you around. You have a way with animals. Great video. 🐎😊
Omg!!!! They are sooo cute❤️
It's a good thing that you didn't notice that was a bull because that would've been scary! 😂 And I know exactly how stressful moving and loading cows is! Especially when they won't co-operate! The new girls are so cute and tiny! Congratulations! Have you sold all of your puppies yet?
I’m so happy for yall
Great choice! Dexters are the bast!
They’re a cute!!!!! ❤❤❤
Yayyyyyyyyy! So happy for youuuuuuuu! 💕💖💘
Thanks for another great video. I find it quite educational. Peter the pilgrim
Hello I’m such a big fan I love watching ur videos I hope you had a blessed merry christmas
Ur puppy is getting big. Lavendar and Astor will adjust nicely.
Not south pole. I don't think Brody from that's a farm is gonna approve. THEY'RE THE SAME SIZE AS MAUI 💀Super cute though 🥰
They are so pretty! ❤ I was just curious if you going to be using them for milk, meat, or just breeding?
hello i am katie thiessen. i live on a farm too. but not as big as yours. i am 11 yaers old. i love watching your videos they make a little twinkle in my heart that I've never felt before. I love how you add GOD in your videos. even though you get all the attention you give some to GOD. I hope i can meet you one day. oh one last thing you have inspired me to work harder on my farm. Hope you have a great day. GOD BLESS. oh and say hi to noelle for me.
Be careful, cows can be aggressive sometimes!
WAIT! Your keeping a puppy? ‼