Why the fuck does Kouvr have a sword. WE NEED BACKUP
“Why is it sharp?😭” “I don’t know 🤷♀️🙃”
She's adorable, hot tip for the bat though as they can be used against you quickly - put a long sock on the action end, that way If an intruder grabs your bat the sock comes off and you get another swing.
“Where the fuck did u get that” genuine concern
Kouver “swings sword” Alex “catches sword” Pause for a moment Alex “WHY IS IT SHARP” *while falling to the ground in pain Kovour “I don’t know”
“just go along with it😒” 💀
“Why is it sharp”kouvrs mind “it’s a sword”
I love how lover is admitting that Alex doesn’t have musles lol
you guys make me giggle too loud 🤣
Wtffffff😂 the bat got me rolling off my bed😂
The fact she’s one of the girls who broke into the old hype house😅
“Why is it sharp?!😟😫” Me: because it’s a SWORD
WhYY is it SHarP??!! I dunno 😊 Had me dead
When I lived with my older brother, he gave me a very, very sharp samurai sword when he was leaving on a week long camping trip. Told me to just swing the sharp end in any direction of the bad guy and it would "get the job done." I still have it now that I live elsewhere, just in case 😂
“Why is it sharp?” Umm no. Why do you have a sword?😂
Because her husband is going to be a major singer, and she wants to protect them
She’s a keeper.
“I don’t know”😂😂😂
Have y’all ever heard of don’t bring a knife to a Gun battle that includes Swords too LOL 😂