
Tyler Durden's voice is clean asf. Even i can't tell the difference


Narrator is me
Tyler is what I want to be


Without the narrator, there would be no Tyler.


Him walking down the alley with blood all over him is such a meaningful scene. His hatred for his job and people there has reached it's climax and he walks away victorious. He's truly free.


The Narrator will always be my favorite. He's literally me.


Bro, that transition was clean af


Finally a Narrator edit


Narrator is so hot


Tough choice but such a clean parallel between the twošŸ˜©


At this point, ed norton is carrying the whole edit scene by just playing two characters ā¤ king baldwin and tyler


The real man of the story, the one who rose up and chose to be a better person


The transition was šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


that turn around was so clean


I am literally Jack's smirking revenge


"Literally me" the movie


Bu flimmm gerƧekten bakış aƧımı değiştirdii harikaydı yaaa


That Tyler to narrorator transition is cleaner then my search history šŸ˜…


God I fuckinf love this audio. Also fight club gets me feeling like a young man whoā€™s been done wrong by the entire world, and now feels nothing but sheer determination to embody everything heā€™s always wanted to (Iā€™m an 18 year old girl). I love this movie.


Transition went hard af


This is beautiful edit