Your kids will remember this…they had a Dad who built them a pool and deck, this labor of love legacy will definitely live long in their hearts, they will remember they “helped” you too I’m sure hehehehe… stay blessed and beautiful!!
The fact that you built your family a pool with noting but your own hard work is really incredible. Well done🙏🏽
My neighbor built a deck just like you did. It looked beautiful. I had just bought a volvo station wagon and drove it to the back of my house. My next-door neighbor immediately called code Enforcement on me. I guess she didnt like the volvo and tried to get it off her sight. She used to walk on my property to get to her friend with the pool. Will code enforcement came and told me to move the volvo. I put it in the garage. Due to neighbor calling code enforcement , the enforcement decided to check out the pool deck. It had no permits for the deck work. The neighbor had to tear it down. Due to the other neighbor's complaints.
As a woodworker, don’t listen to them Reddit trolls and haters, they will ALWAYS find something, anything to tear you down. You did an amazing job. This gives me an idea of how much our pool & deck idea we’ve had for a few months more, could come out to save what to likely expect. Thanks for sharing your process. God bless y’all. Cheers from Texas Cannonball
Omg people are always going to find the negative and try to tear people down. I think it’s GREAT, it does NOT look like a beginner did it. Y’all will enjoy this for many many years to come. Consider yourself blessed to have the 7k to do this project for starters, think about how much the family will bond together, and the priceless memories! It’s absolutely beautiful and I give you a gold star! Well 5/5 or 10/10 lol how ever you want to rate it. Way to go guys!
Oh man!!! The kids in the pool watching Bad Guys on a big screen!! That's awesome!! What a damn cool dad!
We bought a pool from Rec warehouse 19 years ago. We sunk our pool used railroads ties to hold frame wall up, for extra security . Had our ground dug up'ed. Our pool looks like a in ground pool. Built a deck all the way around pool. Had concrete poured for extra patio for lounge chair, grill, and patio table. We also upgrade liner and pump. Bought wedding cake steps. We love our set up. Cost less than 5k. I can't believe we had it 19 years, time flys by. kids are all grown up. Grand baby enjoys it now. I love getting in pool after yard work and gardening. Have fun making memories in your pool. Yours looks great! You did an amazing job. Go dawgs! Ga resident. Codeword, Cannonball.
I love how u so casually say something is not up to code and just keep doing it…lol love it.
hahaha I thought I was the only crazy one... but.... this is evil genius! :D ... the pool is the only cheap part of the whole project it seems :D
As a maintenance director, I just wanna let you know that my opinion is that you thought out everything pretty well. At the end of the day,you did a great job. ….I would’ve left the post for the gazebo, but it does look nice that way. Fun to watch, and looks really great.
Bro the "catastrophic failure" of a car driving through a pool got me so good
You put a lot of hard work into this. I’m bet your family is happy to have a dad that’s able to build this for them. Many cannonballs to come!
Man, seeing your kids enjoy the outdoor movie from the pool raft at the end makes this all worth it. Cheers! ...and cannonball!!!
Negative feedback comes from people with little to no skills, you did a great job, I really enjoyed you working, you put a lot of love in this built, can't wait to see your next project, Hallelujah
Cannonball!!! You are the best Dad!!! Enjoy with your family that great pool!!!
CanonBall! Most of the viewers are regular Joe's like me that have little or no experience with deck building and I don't plan on being an expert. I just want to build a deck that is safe, cost efficient and fun! So much thanks for making this video as informative and enjoyable to watch!
One of the best above ground pools I’ve seen. Nicely done.
I actually never fast forward, never skip, and watch the entire video from the start to the end, I think you did an amazing job
My dad did a lot of work like you did to build us a pool. It was an in-ground pool so he did contract that out, but I remember him hauling and building a huge cement brick wall, a huge deck including a “bar” and doing so much work. As kids, we lived in the pool and always had friends and family over. It wasn’t until years later when I was going through pictures that I realized and truly appreciated all his hard work (he did it over the winter, so he didn’t have it a tough as you). It really was a labor of love. My love of swimming has kept me in shape all these years ! I think my favorite part was seeing everyone all piled in a raft watching a movie! I think you did an exceptional job, you know where you did things that might (just might) fail in the future and no doubt have the passion and skill set to fix anything if it comes up. I would say even though you knowingly didn’t do a couple things to code, your ingenuity, and attention to detail is better work than most “professional” builders. Congrats on your pool and your great video!!