
Being the younger sibling of a teen is scary sometimes. It genuinely hurts to watch them start to hate you and go through all of this while you have no idea what to say or do


For those wondering, the name is Win or Lose


Like the dad energy not protected but supporting his daughter.


I like the switch of the mother being the protective one instead of being the happy one and the dad actually being the one who's happy instead of the overprotective one, its nice to see that from time to time..


I just love how the mom and dad switched roles when Ira said she has a boyfriend and his face of disgust when he sees him I still haven’t watched this movie yet


Gets mad at him for tattleing when she just did it 😅


"Don't let someone steal your joy." 

I needed to hear that today 💙


"Tattle tale" bro you started it


Awww he is so adorable, the art style is so cute 😊


No the Dad's reaction to the boyfriend is the sweetest thing ever cuz usually they're absolutely ticked about that


Expecting: dad angry
irl: dad happy


i see people being mad at the girl for being mad at her brother, but one things is snitching over a boyfriend and other is telling your parents your brother is hangong out with the wrong persons


Love the Gumball and Darwin fit


"who's not going to college" he's six


Bro licks he's hand😂


I love the part where you just casually licks the guy's hand it makes me laugh😂


i LOVE that they didn’t do the typical “overprotective dad” trope. it’s so, SO refreshing to see.




"Sum'n say boyfriend? OOH,my lil girl's growin' up!"
The voice killed me 😂


That mom animation was crazy scary 😨