
The intro in the Book of Shadows "every man and woman is a star" is taken verbatim from Crowley's Book of the Law/Liber Al vel Legis. 
Gerald Gardner was an initiate of Crowley's magical order Ordo Templi Orientis/OTO.


A video about rings and their uses would be amazing


If you could please do a video on rings in the fingers that would be awesome in stones gemstones, that would be awesome, thank you so much.❤


Recently watched this film again because I’m absolutely in love with the film for how much they got right. It’s cringe but on purpose and serves as a fantastic example of the need to be cautious with spellwork. Especially how easy love magic can become obsession.


This is kinda nostalgic. This is the kind of wicca i started with forever ago. Now a days I'm more folk magic. But there is something to be said about ceremony. Thanks for going so deep in your interpretation of this movie.


The Love Witch took place in the present though (2010s) as the cars are of the time, and Trish (the neighbour) uses a cell-phone. The costuming is vaguely vintage-style because that's the kind of style the creator of the film likes


Thanks so much, Hearth, can't wait until part two. Also, yes, a video about the stones, metals, and which fingers they are worn on in correspondence would be great.


Thank you for the iconic eye shadow 😁🤌 perfection✨ This video is like an early holiday gift. 🎁 Yay!


I adore both of Anna Biller’s feature films, and all four shorts (her whole filmography is on the region-free Umbrella Entertainment Blu-ray of The Love Witch, just a heads up). For pretty much everything she does, she writes, directs, edits, does production design, makes the costumes, composes the music and writes the lyrics to the songs, and in some cases acts and sings. Currently reading her novel, Bluebeard’s Castle, which is also excellent.


Yes, I am interested in fingermeaning and rings. 14:04


I know some of Gerald Gardner’s materials, including his antler crown, were in the collection of John Belham-Payne until his death in 2016.  Belham-Payne might have left these items to the Centre for Pagan Studies or the Doreen Valiente Foundation but that is just a guess.


33:00 if not a direct quote might be a remixed version of Thelema’s whole schtick from Aliester Crowley’s Book of the Law. I’m not really a thelemite so I’m not 100% sure.


Impressive amount of detail included in this video! I loved the Love Witch when it came out. As someone else has pointed out, the quote in the book is from Crowley's The Book of the Law. I just wanted to point out that traditional Wicca (Gardnerians and Alexandrians) still do continue the tradition, I've been involved with both. All covens have elements of doing their own thing but there are core practices that still continue to this day. I know you probably know this, I just wanted to make a point of saying it because I meet some younger witches who seem think we died out lol Oh and one other fun fact I heard about this movie is that most of the people in the ritual scenes are actually practising modern witches themselves (how many if any are traditional Wiccan I don't know) but yeah apparently a lot of witches from the Los Angeles witchy community were involved.


I recommended this a couple weeks back! I can’t believe you did it! 😭 

Also! You makeup is a great touch!


Yes ring relate to colours elements and meanings right to left hand.


I absolutely love this movie!!! I remember watching it in 2018 or 2019 on Amazon Prime and was completely transfixed. I felt like I was witnessing witch life in 1970s San Francisco. Your knowledge of The Craft is truly astounding to me. Thank you for this latest video deconstructing things that I had not noticed before in this film.


I'm surprised at how much I'm learning through your media reviews!!
And the 5 kisses or whatever it's called, struck me. I've been reading this (not so great) book called "witch school, the Correllinean tradition", and the first exercise is pretty much doing that ritual by yourself. The exercises seem normal then they get unhinged (ie practicing opening and closing chakra. You're not supposed to close chakra according to my coven friend 😅 and another is imagining shooting a Lazer beam of light from your 3rd eye and writing stuff on the wall with your imagination 😂) 
It's weird to see this author's mishmash of Wicca tradition and mold it to his weird branch. And it's basically pay to be a member online, once you look up the guy's website. I need a real mystery school not a scam, lol.

But it was neat to learn that the 5 kisses thing is actually based in real tradition/ritual. So neat. Ty hearth, you make my painting jobs go by fast!


Thank you Hearth! 💜
And yes please, a ring video sounds fantastic!💜💍💜


Yess The Love Witch is my favourite movie! It’s what actually got me into witchcraft because I was mesmerized by Elaine and her spells, as well as her house which is so colourful and artistic. I was just thinking about you doing a video on it because I really enjoyed your Practical Magic breakdown and here it is! Love the makeup look btw 💗