I watched the entire match play live on DGN and it took me almost 3 separate sessions to finish watching both the sweet 16 and Elite 8 because of the jumbled-up format (which I dont blame them, I just have a short attention span sometimes) so to be able to watch each match secluded is awesome, its almost like watching it for the first time. Thanks Gatekeeper!
Absolutely love that you cut the cards makes it much easier to follow while I am distracted by other things
Love the 1 vs 1 clips. If you haven't seen the entire coverage, and are watching this for the first time, stop right at the end of the match, because they show the bracket results at the end, and you'll see winners and losers.
Y’all are nailing this commentary and the way it’s clipped together...match play could not be covered any better then what y’all are doing...great job
Love this!! The bracket, the match play, everything.
best match play coverage. mono y mono edited coverage. great commentary
This is a fun looking setup! I hope we get to see all of the matches, I really want to see the Kyle Klein v. Chris Dickerson! Thank you for the coverage.
i like the split cards format. great stuff! love your coverage
definitely appreciate the 1v1 editing you guys did. thanks!
I think cutting the cards is the way to go.
Loving these separate match videos
Yo, thank yall so much for the coverage. I honestly really enjoy this structure. This is awesome.
Now I really wish McBeast played, I wanna see him go full aggressive mode here
I love the 1v1 format as well as the rules in play
Dormie is a good thing. Adam was dormie. Also when its tied it's all square. Would love to see match play become more of a thing!
Thanks Guys!
Yes Nate!!!! Wonderful Format!!!!
Thanks for posting this great coverage!
Love this format