Girl, don't be stressed out over him. He treated you badly, and you don't deserve that.❤❤
She effortlessly embodies both beauty and humility, a true inspiration🙏💓🖤
As an owner of four birds, this would break my heart... though there is still hope. If Coco spent too much time from home, he may feel scared or uncertain of his future depending on his treatment in the new place. Give it a few more months, as birds are sensitive creatures. If not, we'll gang up on Chad for you <3
NO thats so sad but we love you dont cry i hate that you cry stay strong
GIRL. NO WAY you don't deserve this.😢 I hope you get your bird back 😥
Awh, I’m sorry:( That’s really sad, especially if you have known that bird for long. I don’t know how long you’ve had it, I just started watching your videos. I hope he eventually warms up to you and is not scared of you. Just keep trying, it’ll get better❤
NO COCOOO!! You better pull up to Chads place and have a word with the him he can’t get away with taking your bird. You deserve coco back. Love you Lia and you deserve better!!❤
You deserve coco pls i miss coco❤😢😢 we need coco!
That’s so sad hope you find real coco❤
Dont worry lala we r here for you :((❤
Sorry that you and him broke up girl, i feel the pain and you deserve better❤....
Aww 😢😢 I’m sorry lala I hope you find coco 😢❤❤❤
Don’t worry, girl you will get Coco back. This is very heartbreaking.❤😢
I've been feeling the same emotions as you sad mad stress empty❤😢
She is an amazing woman who deserves love understanding and kindness ❤
Don’t worry lala. We’ll be here You can always trust us no matter what happens There is still hope Don’t worry We love you so much 🥰 Ur family is always there too! We all will be praying for you We all hope for a better future that is coming towards you We all know that whatever you do we’ll always support you! We love you so much lala! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Lala doesn’t just shine, she radiates confidence and beauty effortlessly ✨💖
Your videos are a breath of fresh air, always enjoy watching 😍💕👍🏼