I recently broke my streak of 101 days of no PMO.. And I did NOT feel good about it. I'm hoping to beat my record now.. Wish me luck and strength..
7:39 Oh, that explains everything, Now I see a reason why expecting to see something great feels greater than to actually see it
This video is the best to understand addiction...The previous videos were like dopamine and this one is like opiate
I really needed this video.... Thanks for making such an important and helpful video❤❤
When I started in the 70s it was just magazines. Must be tough to be a kid today with the stuff that's available now.
This animation is awesome
Bro you rocking just a little effort
great video thank you for sharing this
The previous version of this video is good too and funnier
please turkish translate
That's it. I quit Porn. Now.
Powerful Teachings video
Super awesome
Thanks - very important video
According to the list of questions/conditions concerning porn addiction, I'm not addicted or even sidetracked by porn. Does this mean I have a healthy level of porn use? Could porn be considered medicinal or therapeutic? Are there prescriptions for porn so I can get discounts at the porn dispensaries? Just asking for a friend.
This is obviously religiously motivated. I don't see a single reference to a single study
13:30 sh*t
I was addicted to porn. But now I don't like porn anymore. Certain Tiktoks and reels excites me. Is it less dangerous than porn ?
How many rats tortured for this experiment?