
Disney Invites You, I must politely decline, thank you for your invitation


“Return to the story that started it all”
And this rendition of the story will be the one that will end it all


Yes we are all in!!!


No dwarfs where harmed in the making of this movie. 
Nor where they casted


Every time I turn this off, it feels like a burden is lifted off my shoulers. So magical indeed.


“If I saw this movie on a plane I would still walk out” is the most appropriate comment for this.


why is this movie called Snow White? confused on the title.. not seeing any characters matching that description. hmm.


What next?
A Live action Fantasia??


1938 Called. They hung up.


Let’s go Poison Apple Let’s go! 👏👏


Disney invites you
throws invitation into the fire while maintaining eye contact


So excited to see this!🎉


Is it me or Rachel looks whiter and whiter with each trailer that Disney premieres 
I mean just look at her in the scene where she’s clapping her hands.


she sounds really good




No amount of Disney PR is saving this...


Me, Samsung and Microsoft will be rooting for Apple as the POISON APPLE 🍎


Gal Gadot is gonna be the best thing about this movie


Still rooting for the Evil Queen.