
I cannot believe how talented the cast of this show is.  Just amazing.


I wish they had more of these three performing on the show.  They are awesome together!!!


So damn good! Their voices are just perfect together. Would love a whole ZAG record!


I love these 3 together


So in love w/Avery's voice. <3


Pls bring back nashville


My new favorite. Hands down.


The guitar in this song is killer!!!


I used to haaaate Jonathan Jackson's character Avery but daaaaamn when he sings his line at 2:12, he sounds so unbelievable sexy. Woah. Is it hot in here or is that just me?


If they get together permanently they could rule the world never mind Nashville! 


How? How? How in the world did I fall in love with this Avery?????


This song just stole my heart


This is my favourite song. Gosh i love this show


Just discovered Nashville on couchtuner not available out here in Australia. What an awesome show... some of the best songwriting I've heard in years. Every episode blows me away how the writers weave the songs and the story line. The relationship dramas get a bit much sometimes but the music keeps me hooked.


Please, can we stop a minute and admired how gorgeous Sam looks in this hat


This is a great song, great energy from these three!


Love it...they are great together.


Wishing this song would be back on Apple Music !!!  ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Absolutely love this song


This song slaps