
Hey Tiny Desk Fans,
Check out NPR’s Black Stories, Black Truths – a collection of podcasts hosted by journalists who speak truth to power. Our voices are as varied, nuanced, and dynamic as the Black experience. And stories should never be about us without us. Listen now: https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510372/black-stories-black-truths


My man with the Tuba hasn't stopped blowing since he walked into the room


The tuba is a hero


Here I am in 2024... And I keep coming back on this master piece !


"Bruised and scared, presumed inferior,   BUT we ain't scared a y,'all" moved my soul


This performance of  "It Ain't Fair" deserves a Grammy.


Bilal didn't need to go that hard...
He did that for us. 
He did that for us...


“It ain’t fair when your protector is your Predator” 
Bilal made sure we all felt that. He is incredible


Bilal needs his own tiny desk concert. His catalogue is worthy of praise


As a former HBCU marching band tuba player. This dude is a certified Beast!


My man on the Tuba is absolutely killing these funky basslines


11:24 : that moment when Questlove readjusts his afro pick without missing a beat. Legendary


That tuba sound is so clean holy hell, almost sounds like an actual bass


The moment you realise the tuba is one of the coolest instruments ever


The Audio engineer did a fucking marvelous job too! Wow!!! Overall, this piece should be preserved in a museum.


"Looking for justice, but it's just us." Dayum...that's too real.


Bilal said,” AAAaaaaaaaaaaghaaaaaaaaaaghaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAH!” I feel you bro. I feel you. ✊🏾❤️🖤💚


This is one of the rawest horn sections I've ever heard. Dude Is killing that Tuba... "it's all about the tuba shawty"


Black Thought is one of the best MCs we can witness to hear on this planet. Thanks NPR.


Man. Phew. Wow. Almost 5 years and this still slaps. This'll forever be one of the greatest performances in all of music history.