
Absolutely love these Beautiful, Elegant and Super Talented young ladies! Bravo!! :face-red-heart-shape:🎢


Absolutely amazing! You've got a marvellous singing voice, and the sax riff near the end had an exceptional feel to it. The trombone too was particularly well played. Really great recording, just a shame I couldn't really make out the bass though that's likely a problem with my own speakers more than anything


Applaus for the wonderful Nanna, Carling-Sisters Quartett. Love...


Loved it.  You ladies really swing.  Put a big smile on my face.


Simply Beautiful


Great stuff!
Would love to hear more of Sigrid's bass on future recordings, she's really solid.


I had no idea there were more Carlings.  A very talented family.


Amazing singing my goodness!!!!! You all sound amazing!!!! From a fellow trad jazz musician playing the legacy of Sidney Bechet in Spain!


Thanks for sharing girls! You guys are awesome!πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–




Wonderful!  Always great any time that Nanna sings.


*Petronella = πŸ’


FantΓ‘stico sound and women!πŸ˜±πŸ‘πŸ˜€


Bravissime e bellissime musiciste


Great music, Girls!




Bra jobbat






Nice nice :)