The editing of the dad actually killed me. Classic h3h3
I can't believe Ethan is pregnant with his caretaker's child
guy: crops a photo dad: it's incredible how many tools are there to lure
Are we just gonna gloss over the fact that her parents said “you promised you’d never do this again” like was she frequently getting into strangers vans?
imagine going for a walk in the park and seeing a guy sitting in the gazebo crying uncontrollably next to a bottle of lube
Imagine if she didn’t respond ever. Just left them on read.
"You're pregnant!" "Yeah.. I take my job seriously" That had me ON THE FLOOR
imagine literally lying to your child, humiliating them, and causing years of trust issues in the name of 'caring'
Ethan sobbing while distributing lube to his parents is a top tier moment in H3 history.
"you're pregnant!" "yeah, i take my job seriously" LMFAO I LOVE HILA
It's like to catch a predator but in Reverse where you humiliate the victim instead of the predator
Ethan getting his dad to say "are you crazy are you outta your mind" is classic.
no one: the dad: (👀 )
Hila doesn't talk for like 8 years then starts and turns out to be a total savage
Ethan: "You're pregnant!" Hila: "I take my job seriously."
Are we just going to skip over the fact that the mom said “you promised me you’d never do this AGAIN”
"You're pregnant!" "Yeah, I take my job seriously." Hila's delivery is perfect. Papa Bless
"This stuff is slippery." - Ethan's dad
“Great, now he knows she has little siblings.” And now millions of people know you have young gullible children. Great plan, parents.