
That timing on "Pain will come with the blade" just as Blade points his sword is everything


One of, if not, the best Wildfire GMV, character ults, trailers, cutscenes, quotes, and aeons. Chills through and through.


Until now, I can't forget how badass Jing Yuan is. Trash talking Phantylia and summong Thunder Lord as big as her. He is a one man army. He's like a walking Aeon.


Damn, Kafka's voice got me, lol
This is a great AMV!! Wildfire is already one of the legends! <3


Man, this song would've KILLED on a Bionicle AMV back in 07


The editing on this is super impressive, not gonna lie. That Gepard punching the ground into Seele landing is peak transitioning.


2:52 that transition from bronya to seele was godly


Brilliant! The added lines were awesome, and the video arrangement was awesome. Everything about this hit so deep, it was overwhelming.
You earned a big HAPPY tear from my eye! Felt so humbled, yet ready to take that on. WOW


If I ever want to recommend this game to a friend, THIS is the video I will send them. Amazing work 🔥


Man when Kafka comes on... chills.


The transitions!!!! O.O


This was phenomenal


Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!! WHAT A SUPER COOL AMV ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ The transitions and voice line choices are amazing !!!!!


Yoooo this video is so underrated!! It's so cool!


This is honestly the first amv I've gotten goosebumps from, very good job!


2:00 kafka voice is majestic


Literally makes me cry from the emotions in this<3333




i got literal chills when kafka was speaking right before the final chorus, holy shit this is amazing


ive seen a good few AMV/GMVs of this song and this is easily the best yet