I respect truck drivers, their job is so hard! God bless them 🙏
I feel you bro, I've been stuck in Bakersfield and Lebec when headed back to Commerce. Those were long days nothing to do just to enjoy and wait
another blessing from the wonderful world of DEF.
I feel it been stranded at Ontario Oregon from a derated truck and had to wait a dealership the next day at 8 am until they open. From 5pm to 8 am I stayed in a derated truck with no food and 3 degrees since it was winter and no one wanted to deliver where I was at. Drank sips of a half of water I had the whole night. And then the APU stoped working around 2 am so no more heat in the back smh 🤦🏻♂️
Love ya man it was a blessing in disguise god didn’t want you in harms way or something he was watching over you man I know it sucks but man gotta be thankful for everything else love watching ur videos brother it always helps me deal with my anxiety I love watching you and your son’s trucking adventures man keep on doing you , you’re out here doing gods work without truckers we would have nothing god bless u man ❤
Thank you for working hard
Sometimes the battery reset switch (usually near the battery panel) will do more of a hard reset and fix issues
If it’s a derate unplug the EGR temp sensor. That’ll give you about 3 hours before it completely takes a dump on you. But you can just disconnect the batteries and let the whole system reset to get another 3 hours. Works on ISX but idk about the rest
I feel you bro Longest I been stranded was 14 hours in the middle of the desert in August 50 miles east of Yuma az 😡
I feel it bro.. i seen you today and said wassup while passing by lol .. never knew ur broken down due to forced regen issue or else i had the scanner to force regen
Even more reason to respect truck drivers!
Ladies and gentlemen, that is a deaf situation as in DEF due to emissions and the system being poorly built
By a diagnostic scanner to read the codes. Some you can delete and it will go for a while. Sometimes you just got to fix it. Always check all liquids. Radiator, oil. They do a forced regen.
I feel you bro that happened to my car
Can you do a update video on what was the problem
I like your videos
I know how you feel I used to truck drive to
hi Alex . thank you for the videos. feel better.
Man is sitting on a booster seat eating some saucy nuggets😂😂😂 It's time to graduate to some bone-in wings