
All those people should open up their guest rooms, basement, and garage to the homeless! It’s not that simple! Most people need to listen to my Papaw, and live and let live! You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone!! Those people are the ones who sit behind their screens and try to tell everyone else what to do all while doing NOTHING!


i guarantee people who comment that are the same people that never volunteer or donate money


Honey, you don’t have to explain why you didn’t turn your home into a squatters dream.  You deserve to sell, rent, lease, whatever it takes to make a living from the properties you upgrade.


You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone!


God bless you. You are a true inspiration 🌟


God bless you ❤


You do not owe anyone an explanation. You and your team worked HARD to renovate and restore those apartments. I hope you are at full capacity year-round so you can recoup some of the monetary efforts and live you put into this work.  Praying that people are moved to donate to Phillip’s Cottage and that family trees are forever changed.


I hope many blessings apon what you are doing. Thank you for bringing up generational curses because violence, drugs and more are past down to children. A new start is what a lot of women and man need. God bless us all...


I can guarantee you, homeless people don't think like this.


Well said Sarah.


Don't listen to the haters.  I always wonder if they specifically are doing anything in the same commitment they want others to do.




You do you!
No one has the right to question  your career and finances !
If every single person who suggests that u do homeless  houseing  actually  did something  to help 😅 wouldn't  b such a issue


Do not even answer these folks.


you can't just give away your money. ignore the haters!


Too much given to too many takers. I’d have a different opinion if I EVER saw some degree of effort by the takers.